Wednesday, April 10, 2019

14 March 2019 Ask Patrick (The Last Show)

We have enjoyed our time spent with Patrick and Caroline and we send them gratitude, love, favor and pray for them to have a peace that passes all understanding.  Please remember to keep them both in your heart,,your hearts are very powerful.

Caroline reads the questions that were sent in, which you can find at the red timestamps.  Patrick answers for whatever entity was asked, designated in blue--Pat:

From Caroline, in brackets:
[Dragon names:  Firebird (female essence) Firecloud (male essence) Green dragon name essence unknown yet, but there is a question in the list about it.  Will we get to that question today?
All questions for Shakara from the Domain will be send to Wayne!
Everybody join us in gratitude for Lee and her hard and devoted work!

29:06--The show starts and is having some problems.
31:48--Video and audio come back.
32:40--Patrick asks for protection:  Imagine a white ball of light above your head.  It is pure white, it is a pure ball of love. It moves slowly down your body towards your feet.  As it moves, it covers you in love, it encompasses you in a bubble of love. When it gets to you feet and you are totally encompassed in this bubble, you can set the thickness of the skin, in other words you can set the protection so that no negative influence, frequency, energy or even entity can pass through it.  We also ask protection from any interruptions and we ask for this protective bubble to expand so it can encompass our home, our loved ones and our pets, all those we love. At this point you should feel a nice warm glow in your heart. (Patrick always tells us how we can “expand” this bubble of love as much as we want, large enough the cover the entire world or even the universe.)

34:40--Caro:  Let’s just feel gratitude to all the Frequency that’s going to come through to answer our questions.
34:55--First question is from Caro:
Greetings to all Frequency!
Do we have permission today to speak with Source Frequency, Planets Frequency, Dragons Frequency, Loved ones and pets Frequency?
Pat:  Yes

35:15--Caroline explains about her question from the 9 March show that was the last one and was not answered.  She also explains about a download that Ruth from kindred Spirit Tarot received as they were having a chat, and that unanswered question came up.  Video can be seen  (warning:  extreme laughter!)

37:50--Caroline Boivin
Uranus Frequency: Greetings Uranus!  During the podcast with Patrick, you send me your frequency and I always have a joke in my pocket.  Can you explain to me why you are making me joke so much in a time where people expect me to be serious?  In other words, what’s for your defense? Thank you!
Pat:  You humans are too serious, you need to, in your terminology, lighten up!  It’s good to laugh, enjoy it. Finish

39:00--Vanessa Kessler
To my sister, Amy:   I miss you dearly and hope you are extremely happy.  Does your spirit experience dimensional travel? Has your soul reincarnated into my daughter or another family member?  Do you have a message for me?
Pat:  I am well, I am happy, I am content.  I have been offered the opportunity to reincarnate, I have not accepted that as yet, I am not ready, I am enjoying where I am.  I am enjoying being able to spend time with those I love. I can travel throughout this universe. I can travel across different dimensions, it is truly awe inspiring.  Do not worry about me, I am fine. Finish

Earth Frequency:  Is it true that there is a crystal orb in the inner earth that sustains and nurtures life there?  What happened to the crystal orb that used to be on the surface of earth?
Pat:  The crystal structures that are within the Earth are very, very powerful  There is not one at the exact center, it does surround the whole planet. It is heading toward the surface.  The closer it gets to the human population, more people will have their abilities activated. When this crystalline structure breaks through the surface, then all abilities will be activated.  This will be a wondrous occasion. Finish

42:28--Beautiful WarGoddess
Source Frequency:  Is it true they have the real us captured elsewhere and we are being forced & enslaved to project our 3d reality here on Mother Earth?
Pat:  The physical 3D part of your existence is, as I’ve stated before, an electrical holographic universe.  The essence within this 3D world is actually yourself, the real you.  It is possible to be elsewhere and project, but most of you are here, you were tricked into entering this existence, to entering what you call prison planet.  Do not worry about these things. The message remains the same--live in the moment, live with love, do not fear. That is all you have to do. Finish

45:03--Abby Mead
Dragon Firebird:  Last summer was it a dragon a saw in the clouds?  thank you
Pat:  Sorry, nothing there for that one Caroline.
(Patrick says he was not interrupted, there was just nothing there.)

47:00--Zank Frappe
For the Frequency of the Galactic center of this Galaxy:
When and what happened to cause the distortion of the galactic arm in which we are?
(Patrick:  This question was previously answered, please check the transcripts.)

48:03--Beautiful WarGoddess
Source Frequency:  How was the most high Source Creator created?
Pat:  There is an original Creator Consciousness that has always been there, everything else is an extension of that creator.  It primarily started with thought, everything was thought into existence. Finish

Source Frequency:  Does numerology and gematria play a real part in how events play out in our lives in this physical plane?
Pat:  This numerology and gematria in particular is used, by those who believe they are in power, to manipulate events.  They will prophesy an event to happen at a certain time and they will then manipulate events to make it match a numerical equation.  Numbers are important, they can influence you, they cannot force you.  Finish

50:27--paola sanchez
Source Frequency:  Should I be doing again bodybuilding...?  Or should I continue on with my next mission in life?  Thank you
(Patrick:  Sorry, nothing there.)

50:52--Abby Mead
Source Frequency:  Will my husband's condition improve?  Will he get his energy levels back? thank you.
Pat:  His condition can be improved.  You can bring it about with your own energy, your own frequency, talk to his body.  If he is able, ask him to talk to his body. Be grateful…….
(Patrick:  Sorry, that’s just gone, that was an interruption.  Tell you what Caroline, let’s try again. Start from the scratch with that question.  Caroline reads the question again.)
Pat:  He can improve his physical condition, he has the power to heal himself.  You can assist him with this by using your frequency and your energy. Be thankful of his body, show gratitude towards his body, live in love and believe it will happen and the universe will have no option but to make it happen.  Finish

52:52--paola sanchez
Earth Frequency:  Is my family clean of karmic burdens?  If not what I have to do to break those patterns?  Thank you
Pat:  Karmic influences spread across many lifetimes, you do not get to the position where all karmic debt is paid.  You have to raise your frequency so that you can endure these physical times and learn from them. The experience is more important than the paying of a debt.  Finish

Grampie Pat: Do you have a message for my Mami Gerry?
Pat:  I want you to know how wonderful it is this side of the veil you call death.  I am free from pain, I have clear thinking abilities. I enjoy watching everybody.  I can visit you anytime I choose, I just think of it and I am there. Please talk to me and I will let you know my presence is there.  I love you all. Finish

57:14--Lit T
Source Frequency:  When will my husband get job and will we have to move?
Pat:  There is work out there for him, he may have to lower his expectation of salary.  It may be necessary to move, but this in not set, it is ultimately up to you as a couple.  Do not worry about such events, this is all part of the human experience. Finish

to the divine/angels: Can You Show me the path or way please i am supposed to walk with clear signs and messages? Thank you
(Patrick:  I don’t know who they are trying to connect with Caroline.
Caro:  And I did ask that person about the frequency, but I didn’t get any response, so Jones, if you want some help on this question, please put a comment under this video.
Patrick:  I think there’s more that one angel, I think there’s more than one divine angel.  It needs to be more specific and I’ll give it another go.
Caro:  Yeah. A name of an angel maybe?
Patrick:  Could be, it depends on if it’s an archangel or who they’re thinking of….I don’t know that.)

59:25--Beautiful WarGoddess
Source Frequency:  I have ruptured discs in my spinal cord & I need surgery I'm in extreme pain but I'm afraid of surgery with risk to be paralyzed will I be healed please?
Pat:  You will be much better after the surgery.  You will be protected during the surgery. You will not have a total healing, there will be remnants of this condition with you for the remainder of this incarnation, but you will be able to do what it is you wish to do.  Finish

1:00:30--Heidi en martin Kerkman
Sun Frequency:  Is it correct that there are 2 suns (named Helios and Theos) that are one and that we can see Helios but not Theos, is that correct?  thank you love you
Pat:  There is a second sun, it is a binary system.  We do not use names for each other, we recognize each other’s frequency.  Putting a label on us is a human trait. Finish

Her future-self:  What path should I pursue or is there anything I should be focusing on now?
Pat:  You have many adventures ahead of you.  When I look back at our life, I cannot help but smile, it is a wondrous experience.  There are many changes about to happen at the time where you are now. The best advice I would give myself is to trust in your own judgement, trust in your own feelings and enjoy life.  Finish

Caro:  Here is the end of my left over from March 9, 2019. We now start questions that were collected between March 14 and March 16.

1:03:55--Barbara Burnsed
Fire Bird:  What color/colors are you?  Did humans try to kill all the Dragons and how long ago?
Pat:  I am a shiny golden colour with a hint of purple.  Humans have always tried to kill us, they always fail.  Finish
(Caro:  I like the idea they always fail, that’s why they had to put it in a movie (laughs) and you know what, I gotta tell you this.  Firebird is the first dragon we met, right?
Pat:  First one, yeah.
Caro:  And she’s a lady and the only image of a dragon I could get in my head thinking of her is the dragon from the movie “The Never Ending Story”.
Patrick:  Alright, yes.
Caro:  That’s how I picture her, with a female voice.
Patrick:  Alright
Caro:  Saying…”I’m a lady.”
Patrick:  Wayne’s never going to forget that is he?
Caro:  Oh boy, nope.  I think that if I would know him I would think that he’s having blood pressure issues.  (laughter)
Patrick:  Anyway, let’s get on with the questions sweetheart.)

1:05:51--It’s Me
Deceased Son:  Is there anything you’d like to share with me, your Mom?
(Patrick:  Can I just say Caroline, these ones are very close to me and there is a connection there.  I want you to say it again please, can you say it slower?
Caro:  Slower Pat, um hmm.  Just the question?
Patrick:  Same question, yep.
Caroline repeats the question.)
Pat:  I am overflowing with love.  It is truly amazing to be able to enter a family, to feel the unconditional love, to enjoy the activity that surrounds the birth of a child.  I have many, many fond memories, I cherish all of them. I am with you, I am waiting for you. Much love. Finish
(Patrick:  Ok Caroline.
Caro:  You want a sip of water?
Patrick:  Yeah, good idea mate, good idea.  Coconut water, love it.
Caro:  Yeah……(sings us some “Sweet Caroline”, Patrick laughs).  Ya know, we’re getting to good at it so I need to find a spot where I can put that in ya know.
Patrick:  You know we all go to sleep hearing that song don’t you Caroline?
Caro:  You want to know the truth about that song?
Patrick:  Go on then…
Caro:  I’ve never liked that song at all, my whole life, until the summer of 2016.  I’m in (?) to and at that time I work at the lobster plant and I do crazy hours and I’m ending a week of 72 hours.  I’m drawn and all of a sudden they’re having in town, that big festival full of scallops and they have that big great party and the music out loud was some for from my place but the music was so loud I couldn’t keep my window open.  I would only hear the music and at the beginning I thought it was the neighbor, but it was not, so I start walking down the street and when I got to the tent where they had the show, the group was (?) there was sing…..when I got at the door they start singing the song “Sweet Caroline”...when I got at the tent and when I got at the door, everybody was singing “Sweet Caroline”, it’s like, ok, at this point I have no choice but to love that song, ya know.
Pat:  I’ve always liked Neil Diamond’s music, so, ya know, that’s why.
Caro:  I don’t know, there’s something more about that song for me, but yeah, now I like that song and I just keep singing it.
Pat:  Ok, mostly on this show, eh?
Caro:  Yep.)

1:10:03--Zoo Pet
Source Frequency:  I have severe Neuropathy in my neck...what can I do to stop the pain naturally and perhaps heal this?
Pat:  The best thing for you to do is to search for a holistic practitioner that has experience in this field.  You can try lots of natural remedies, you could try CBD oil without the THC component. You can also try distraction.  There are ways to alleviate your pain, keep searching, you will find an answer. Finish

1:11:25--SHAUNA Livingston
For higher self Frequency:  Do you have a message for me, I keep feeling an urgency. thank you
Pat:  I wish to make contact with you.  I want to be in daily communication with you.  Please take time to meditate on a daily basis. Focus your intention on me, your higher self, we can achieve a connection where we can communicate with each other.  I have your best interests at heart. We will make a good team. Believe in yourself, that is the number one advice I can give you. Set your intention, set your focus, be determined.  Finish

1:12:40--523325 joy
Earth Frequency:  When is the time when people should move away from the shorelines of their continents due to flooding? Thank you and bless you.
Pat:  The decision to move is a personal one.  If you move away from a coastline because you are fearful of flooding or even a tsunami, that does not eliminate you from danger.  There will be meteor strikes, there will be fires, there will be eruptions, nowhere is safe. This is why we repeatedly say, live in the moment, enjoy the now.  Finish
(Caro:  I gotta say this Patrick.  I live in New Brunswick and I’m by the coast.  I only have to drive 5 minutes and I see the ocean and when we were told to accumulate water, that now would be a good time to start, I’m like, nope, absolutely not.  I’m not gonna run to the store and spend all the money I have on water supply just in case. Not going to live in fear, not going to do that. Therefore, I’m not gonna move out of here because I fear tsunami, if a tsunami happens, there be it.
Patrick:  If a tsunami happens and you die, you will still be here, the real you inside that “meat suit”, likewise, everybody else, we will survive whatever cataclysm happens, don’t worry about it.
Caro:  Anyway, we are being told to stop fearing that, so there’s a great reason, it’s because it’s not gonna be, it’s gonna be a great event, but it’s not gonna be terrible stuff that you could ever imagine or seen from Hollywood, ok.  So take all that out of your mind. It’s gonna be a great event, but it’s gonna be safe. I don’t believe in that tsunami, you know, thing and ok, if it does happen, because it happened before, ok, whatever. I don’t feel I’m going to die here now.
Patrick:  Enjoy this moment, that’s all you have, this moment.
Caro:  That’s right, that’s right.
Pat:  Next question.

Source Frequency:  Who is the orb that watches me??
Pat:  This is a guardian of yours, a guide, a teacher, someone who has been with you before in other incarnations.  This is not anything to fear. When you feel their presence or see them, talk to them, you may be surprised of the response.  Finish

1:16:58--David Fernandez
For my higher self:  I am trying to connect with you.  Please give me any suggestions to help make this happen. Thanks and much love
Pat:  Your are trying too hard, relax.  Talk to me as if you would talk to a friend.  Be relaxed, chill out dude! Finish

1:18:09--Grandma Linda
Source Frequency: Joshua is very sensitive to noises and frequencies, are these sounds causing him pain in his head or ears and is there anything we can do to help him?
Pat:  It is not physical pain, it is confusion.  All you can do is comfort him. Let him know you love him.  Help him at these difficult times. He is a special individual, he is aware of the world around you, most of which you cannot see.  Enjoy his company, that is the best advice. Finish

1:19:28--Ana Alves
For higher self Frequency:  Do you have a message for me? Thank you
Pat:  Sorry, nothing there sweetheart.
(Patrick:  If you want to connect with your higher self, try, keep trying, stand in front of a mirror, look deep into your eyes and talk to your higher self.  You have to activate these abilities, they’re in all of us.
Caro:  And also you know, evolve your question.  If you always keep on asking for a message, you’re gonna end up to a point, you won’t get any.  I’m not saying that’s your case Anna but…
Patrick:  If there’s something specific you want to know, ask the question.
Caro:  Yeah, ask the question, specific, like I smelled like a fart yesterday, was it you? (laughter)
Patrick:  Caroline, you make me laugh.
Caro:  Well, listen.  I gotta find an example that people are gonna remember, ya know.
Patrick:  I’m getting concerned about your relationship with Uranus, he’s having a negative effect on you!  (much laughter) He really is, all these fart jokes you keep saying.
Caro:  Listen, he answered the question in the beginning...he said why.
Patrick:  Ok.
Caro:  How much time do we have left?
Patrick:  That’s a very good point, isn’t it.  According to my calculation we’ve got about 35 minutes, something like that.
Caro:  35 minutes left?
Patrick:  Yeah
Caro:  Ok)

1:21:50--Barbara Burnsed
Decreased, dog King Pen:  He came to me at very young age I got taken away from him when I was 14 does he know it was not my choice and that I loved him so much I cried for long time?
Pat:  The connection we shared was a very strong bond.  I know when we were separated it was against my will, it was against your will.  We will meet again. I do visit you, I sleep on your bed. I enjoy being with you, I still love you.  Finish
(Patrick:  Wow
Caro:  I love that.
Patrick:  Dogs are special.  I know you’re a cat person Caroline, but dogs are special.
Caro:  Oh yeah, I’m an animal lover, regardless.  But, I have a favorite (?) cat. Like an animal lover’s an animal lover and you can’t take that out, but there’s always a favorite and favorite for Ruth is horses and I’m pretty sure any animal would come to her.  She would love them the same, but she’s tuned with the frequency of the horse and I’m tuned with the frequency of the cat.
Patrick:  Ok
Caro:  It is what it is.
Patrick:  It is what it is.)

1:23:55--Darth Revan
Source Frequency: Why do I keep coming back thanks?
Pat:  You can leave, but you need to make the decision to leave.  You need to prepare to leave, you need to just say no. Finish

Source Frequency:  Who was interfering with your connection with Patrick during the live show.
(Patrick:  I know who it was but I’m not going to say on camera.  I’m not going to let it stop me.
Caro:  So, let’s not fear.  See, we got control.
Patrick:  I will say, it’s nothing demonic or anything like that, but it is a concerted effort to try and interrupt the signal.)

1:25:32--Trish Killian
Source Frequency: Since I have no close family on the other side, will I have anyone there to greet me?
Pat:  Of course you will meet your guides, you will meet angels, you will meet many, many beings that are aware of your existence.  You are a pioneer, you will be here to wait for others and help them. Do not fear this event ,it will be very memorable for you.  It will be an amazing experience. Finish

1:26:29--Angel Moon
For higher self Frequency: Do you see love coming soon? Thank you
Pat:  Love should be ever present.  If you are asking about a romantic relationship, if it is truly what you want, then you must go searching, you must have lots of interaction with people.  You must develop relationships, possibly as a friendship to begin with. The success in this area is entirely up to you. Finish

1:27:32--Darth Revan
Source Frequency:  Is there anyone waiting for me on the other side?
(Patrick:  Didn’t we just answer that one or was that somebody else?
Caro:  Yeah, last week, last Friday we had like, a lot of person has a question for higher self and then I get four people that has a question for higher self.
Patrick:  Right
Caro:  And then somebody asked “will there be anyone for me on the other side and then someone else (gasp) will there be someone for me, waiting for me on the other side?.....I wanna know too!
Patrick:  I understand, they see the question and they go “oh, that’s a good question, I’ll ask that.”
Caro:  Yeah, they wanna know for themselves.  So, I’m expecting that Darth Reven will probably get the same answer as……
Patrick:  You never know.
Caro:  Trish, but you never know, so it’s personal to everybody.  Like Trish and Darth, they are two different people, right?
Patrick:  As far as we are.
Caro:  And they both wanna know the same thing, so….I’m not here to judge no question,  As long as I know to who you ask and I can read your question for you, and I have your name, that’s all I need.  I’m not here to discriminate no questions at all.
Patrick:  Just ask it.
Caro:  Ok, let’s do this again.  Caroline reads the question again.)
Pat:  There is always someone waiting for everyone.  Before you incarnate into this existence there are loved ones with you, there are friends that have been with you during many lifetimes.  There will be those you recognize when you pass over. You may not have seen them physically during this incarnation, but you’ll have an instant recognition.  Finish
(Caro:  Wow, so I’m not sure if I have that question again just yet, but, do I take it that the question is answered, like it’s gonna be pretty much the same for everybody?  We all need to know that….
Patrick:  If they haven’t got loved ones waiting for them then they may find loved ones that they don’t know about, or they may find relationships from a soul family or a different lifetime, but nobody goes over there alone...what can you say.
Caro:  Nothing else.  So, are we clear with that question?
Patrick:  I would say so.  If it gets asked again, refer them to the previous question.
Caro:  Yes, I will do that.
Patrick:  My green screen is trying to come through, can you see that?
Caro:  No
Patrick:  That’s, that’s too much, we’ll just have to put up with it.  I’m very pickity.)

For My Higher Self:  Was that always just sleep paralysis or was there more to it?  How can I reach you? Thank you.
Pat:  The sleep paralysis happens to many and it was the case for you.  If you wish to contact me, just ask. Finish

1:32:16--Lyndal Davison
Source Frequency: What was the shadow that I saw pass in front of my car yesterday? Thank you
Pat:  It was a negative entity, it was not interested in you, it was trailing somebody else.  You are perfectly safe. Finish

Deceased, mother Martha: Mom, do you have a message for me?
(Patrick:  Sorry. I get the feeling that asking for a message isn’t enough.  You wouldn’t walk up to your mom and say “hey mom, you got a message for me?”  
Caro:  so it’s very important that when you try to reach a deceased one….
Patrick:  Picture them physically standing in front of you as if they were alive and talk to them like that.
Caro:  Normally
Patrick:  Normally, as if one of your children came up to you and said, “mom, have you got a message for me?”  You’ll get so much more out of the answer if you do that, I guarantee it.
Caro:  So Teresa, think of a better question, put it in the comments so I can help you with anything and I will help you and make it a better question to ensure a response.)

1:34:36--Zank Frappe
Source Frequency:  Do I have any implants physical or otherwise in my body/aura and what can I do to resolve this?
Pat:  It has been said before, every human has technology inside them, nano-technology from chemtrails.  Other humans are taken and experimented upon and have implants inserted, you do not. Finish

Source Frequency:  What is the cause of Morgellons disease and what is the cure for people that suffer from it? Thank you
(Patrick:  I refer you to the previous answer
Caro:  Morgellons?
Patrick:  Yeah, Morgellons disease, same thing.
Caro:  Well, people, you know I do my best, but when you duplicate, when you don’t look at what we’ve done previously before and you come in and you put your question and I can feel it’s possible…
Patrick:  That is the first question...I believe that the first question where someone’s mentioned Morgellons, but it’s the same technology.
Caro:  So, yeah, the question was already done.  So thank you Source Frequency for putting me to place...hey, remember, we talked about it.
Patrick:  Morgellons is slightly different because they come out of the skin like little black worms, but it’s still technology.
Caro:  Yeah)
1:36:55--Darth Revan
Green Dragon Frequency:  May I know your name please and thanks my name is Samuel.
Pat:  Hello Samuel.  As mentioned, our language is very difficult to translate.  I have what you would call, a nickname. You can call me Emerald.  Finish
(Caro:  Well, makes sense, green dragon, Emerald.
Patrick:  Is emerald green is it?  I have no idea.
Caro:  I think it is green, emerald is green.
Patrick:  Ok, well that makes sense then doesn’t it.
Caro:  Yeah
Patrick:  I can’t think straight.)

1:38:00--motherlove tomas
Earth Frequency:  Some humans say they can live without consuming food and in some cases water, what sources of nutrition are our doctors missing?
(Patrick:  Sorry, nothing there.
Caro:  And I’m having a hard time to understand the question.
Patrick:  I understand the question, I know there are people who go without food and water and they manage to survive, but there wasn’t a connection there on that particular one.)
Caro:  Ok, so here is a question directly for you Patrick.
Patrick:  One for me?
Caro:  Yes, I believe.)

1:39:05--Time Monk
3D Patrick.  Did the entity Shakira communicate with you after the show with R Wayne Steiger?
(Patrick:  There was no communication but there was a presence.  The presence is now gone. I think she’s more interested in Wayne….please be more interested in Wayne (much laughter)
Caro:  Oh boy, you’re lucky Wayne doesn’t watch this show.
Patrick:  I am! I know he doesn’t, that’s why I said it.
Caro:  Watch, he’s gonna watch this one…(laughter)
Patrick:  She’ll tell him to watch it.
Caro:  No, I won’t.
Patrick:  Not you, Shakara will tell him to watch it.
Caro:  Oh, possible, very possible.)

1:40:19--Beautiful WarGoddess
For My Father his name is Sacred Tree Mountains:  Is there anything you want to tell me?
Pat:  We come from a long line of gifted individuals.  We have a special place within our culture and our heritage, but you already know this.  I would like to talk with you an a regular basis, take time to focus on my energy, we have much to discuss.  Remember, I will always love you. Finish
(Patrick:  Wow, that was a strong connection
Caro:  And she’s gonna be happy with that.
Patrick:  Hope so.
Caro:  I had to help her with that question and she’s native so that’s why you get Sacred Tree Mountains for the name of her father, which I couldn’t understand at the beginning but, since we did work it out, it’s, she’s gonna be happy man, she’s gonna be happy.
Patrick:  Good
Caro:  I hope you’re not driving when you watch our show because, ah, yeah….no driving during our show please, wait home before you watch it ok...Patrick, we are at that word I asked you how to pronounce.
Patrick:  Ok, would you like me to say it?
Caro:  Again please.
Patrick:  Untethered
Caro:  Untethered
Patrick:  When something is tethered to something, it’s tied either by physical means or non-physical means and it becomes untethered, disconnected.
Caro:  So, I understand that, it’s just the pronounciation where in the middle of the word there’s a “th” that’s pronounced like a z to me, the French Quebecer ya know, so untethered.
Patrick:  I’m probably saying it incorrectly, but it’s untethered where I come from
Caro:  I was going to say untether--ed, so ya know…
Patrick:  No, not unteather--ed, no, untethered.
Caro:  untethered, so I’m gonna go on with the question now.)

1:43:17--Claudia Jay
Sun Frequency:  Are we supposed to be untethered, from the galaxy?  Why are we moving toward the unknown darkness?
Pat:  We are traveling across the galaxy towards an unknown region of space.  We were...we were joined to this galaxy from outside. We were never a part of the creation of this galaxy.  We have always been travelers. Finish

Source Frequency:  Is my first child around me even though he/she was only 12 weeks?  Much love. Thank you.
Pat:  These connections are eternal, they cannot be broken.  All connections are active, you are no different. This is a strong bond.  Finish
(Caro:  Okie dokie.  Then we have Richard Garbett
Patrick:  I know who you mean.
Caro:  Richard, if you are driving now it’s a good time to pull over….(laughing)
Patrick:  Richard, if you don’t pull over, Caroline will sing to you again
Caro:  Ok, well, we’re going to give him the delay of 10 seconds, ya know, 10 second delay, the youtube thing.)

1:46:08--Richard Garbett
Deceased dog, Beans:  Can you tell me what happened to you and Reggin the day you two passed? Thank you.
(Patrick:  Try again Caroline please)
Caroline repeats the question.
Patrick:  Sorry, nothing there Caroline.
Caro:  Ya know the thing, the problem here is that you’re trying to reach a dog to find out what happened to Reggin.  I believe I’m saying Richard, don’t do that, just, if you want to talk to your dog, talk to your dog. If you want to talk to Reggin, talk to Reggin.  Let’s make 2 questions out of that and we’re gonna put it on the list, so put it back in the comments.)

1:47:36--Richard Garbett
What is the best way to raise our frequency and do you have any advice that could help me through this time in my life?  Thank you

From Caro: Got cut off by a technical problem, this last question for Richard that did not work will be reformulated by Richard and on top of the list followed by the rest that are missing. We will ask those questions again and set our intention at the right place! Next show, Maria TruthSeeker Cruz will be collecting the questions from the chat room. I will only be asking the questions because otherwise we have problems.  Nonetheless, I will be collecting the questions from comments and e-mail that Pat will send me, if any!

It is with some sadness that Patrick has been called to a different path now and will no longer be available to entertain our questions and provide us answers.  Please do send Patrick and his family positive healing energy and also Peace, Love & Favor, that I send to you all as well. Goodbye for now—Lee

A new channel has been created named "The Garratt's Legacy".  Caroline Boivin will be operating this channel and all Patrick’s videos will be uploaded as soon as youtube will allow it!   The link for the new channels is below! Soon, Patrick’s channel will be deleted and you will only find his videos on this channel: The Garratt's Legacy

Thank you and much love to you Angie and Patrick!
Your best friend


1 comment:

  1. How Lee! what did you think? that I would not see this? I do and you touch my heart! What are you trying to do? LOL Make me cry? LOL Good job sister! I am very impress and thank you!
