Wednesday, April 10, 2019

9 March 2019 Ask Patrick

35:15--Caro:  Greetings!
There are 3 places to put your questions:
1- in the chat room while we are live, or
2- in the comments section under the most recent live stream, or
3- If those two places don’t work for you, you can send an email to Patrick here: (email no longer available)

Also, this is the email to use  if you want a private session with Patrick.
(My gmail is not a good place for me, thank you for respecting that!)
If you need help from Patrick with your pendulum, you can email him and ask for a copy of the chart.  Get yourself a pendulum, put it under your pillow for one week, give it all the love you’ve got, then watch this video:  
After that, if you need more advice from Patrick, send him an email using the address above.

Here is an example of a question properly asked:
Question:  Firebird: Is it true that you are the guardian of a huge treasure of gold?  Thank you! (See, I didn’t use all caps, and there are no abbreviations, and no emoji!)
Questions are copied and pasted by Caroline and are sent to Lee for transcription and are pasted into the transcript looking exactly as you wrote them.  The spell check does correct some errors but other than that, there is simply not time to correct everything.

I will be working on a small presentation on how to ask your question in order for you to get a response.  Two reasons why your question is not chosen:
1- it is not asked  properly
2- it was already asked

If you want to ask a question for “Talking With the Planets” on Wayne’s Tuesday show, please send it to

41:15--Pat explains a bit about using a pendulum and how he got from using one himself to where he is now able to answer questions without it.

47:30--Pat does his protection ritual.  It is highly recommended you follow along.  Always remember to protect yourself when contacting entities or energies no matter what tool you may be using, or even if you do not use one.

49:30--Caro asks permission.
I just want to send gratitude to all the frequency that are going to come in to answer our questions.  Thank you very much.
Do we have permission today to speak with:  Source Frequency, Earth Frequency, Our Moon Frequency, Sun Frequency, Mars Frequency, Lady Dragon Frequency and Loved One Frequency?  
Pat:  Yes

50:10--Akasha Nicole
Love One Frequency : Poppa Smurf, do you have a message for me? Please and thank you!
Pat:  Sorry Caroline, nothing there.

50:34--Cha Edwin
Source Frequency : Was I abducted by alien recently?
Pat:  Most of the population on planet Earth have been abducted.  It has always been the case, it will continue to be the case.  Many alien races enjoy experimenting on the human race, this 3D world of ours is very exciting to them.  Some are interdimensional, others come from far across the universe through portals. Some, a minority, but it still happens, harvest humans to be slaves, some harvest humans to be food.  This is how it has always been. Finish

52:26--Abby Mead
Neptune Frequency: Are you possibly seeing a black hole near the Galactic center?
Pat:  No.  Finish

52:57--Mom Anon
Source Frequency: When we reincarnate, are we born under the same astrological sign every time?
Pat:  No, this is not the case.  Finish

53:30--Abby Mead
For my higher self: What is the message you've been trying to communicate with me?
Pat:  I am trying to establish a strong connection so that I can assist you in your mission, I can assist you in your daily activities.  I wish you to take time and sit quietly, think about me and talk to me. And the, the important part, listen. You will hear my voice.  Finish

54:37--Truth Seeker
Earth frequency: Why are so many children being diagnosed with Autism. How can we heal them? What happens to these children during ascension, are they healed?
Pat says:  “We have answered the question that’s very similar to this one before and I will try again to see what comes through, but they do not like repeat questions.  Can you just repeat it and we’ll ask for their forgiveness on this occasion. You really must watch the previous videos because they really do not like repeat questions.”
Caro:  I know we did ask about ADD for sure, I remember that, but autism, I don’t remember that, but if we did, I want to apologize.
Pat says:  “We’ll go for the question again and I’m sure on this occasion we’ll be ok.”
Caro:  OK. Why are so many children being diagnosed with Autism. How can we heal them? What happens to these children during ascension, are they healed?
Pat:  There is nothing wrong with these children.  They do not have an illness, they are not abnormal, they are gifted individuals, they see the world more clearly than you do.  These individuals should be respected, should be loved, should be revered. They have unconditional love, which is sorely missing in your world.  When the so-called ascension happens, which has already started, it is an individual ascension not a global singular event. Those children will be ahead of you in the queue.  Finish

57:15--Liz B
Source Frequency : Do I have a message or anythings I should watch for or if a loved one that passed has a message?
Pat says:  “I think that needs to be resubmitted Caroline.  You can ask Source a question, you can ask a loved one a question.  From my position here there’s two different connections. Please submit your question again.  If you have a question for Source, ask that question then ask a question of your loved one. If you have two different questions, or if you have just one, then decide who your going to ask.  If you want a message from a loved one, you’re better off asking the loved one.”

58:57--Caroline Boivin
Is it true that you are the guardian of a huge treasure of gold? Thank you!
Pat:  No.  Finish

59:58--David Fernandez
Jesus : How are you? Do you have a message for us and did we get your message for us correctly?
Pat asked:  “Can you read it word for word as it is written?”
Caro:  Yes. How are you? Do you have a message for us and did we get your message for us correctly?
Pat asked:  “Where did you get the Jesus from?”
Caro:  That was his question.  OK, well, that’s what happened, like when people put too much information.  I just extract to who the question is and the question, I don’t take the rest.  Is that what you want?
Pat says:  “I’m just trying to determine if it’s a question for a loved one or whether it’s a question for Jesus, that’s all.”
Caro:  Oh, no, no it’s a question for Jesus.
Pat says:  “OK...I’m giving you a hard time today aren’t I Caroline?  I’m sorry.”
Caro:  That’s OK.
Pat says:  “Could you repeat the question like you say this is for, like you say this is for a frequency...say this is for Jesus and just do the question.”
Caro:  This is for Jesus.  How are you? Do you have a message for us and did we get your message for us correctly?
Pat:  This is Source.  Many of you are not going to like this answer.  Jesus was a fictional character. Finish
Pat says:  “Don’t ask the question if you can’t take the answer.”

Source Frequency : Is life in a human body a trick? Is it physical?
Pat:  This has been explained before.  The 3D world you are in is actually an holographic electrical universe, however, the essence that is inside you is genuine, original consciousness having this experience.  You are not human, you are an electrical frequency being, you are powerful. Finish

1:04:25--Mike T
For my Father Larry : Do you have any messages for the family and my mom? Thanks
Pat:  I want you to know that I miss you all,  I want you to know that I am safe, I am well.  It really is amazing where I am. When you crossover, you receive all of your previous memories.  I can see that we have been together through many different lifetimes, many different family units.  We have an eternal bond. I have had the opportunity to reincarnate, I have chosen not to, I am waiting for you.  I love you. Finish

1:05:50--Brad Denney
Earth Frequency : Could you tell me your history of the dinosaurs and could you tell me of the intelligent life during that time period.
Pat:  I shall answer.  Dinosaurs roamed the Earth for a very long time.  There were not alone, there were other large beings among them.  There were giants, they were very intelligent. Giants did not originate from here, they originated from Tiamat.  They came to Earth as a sanctuary. They managed to find ways to enter the inner Earth so that when the catastrophe happened that destroyed the dinosaurs, most of them were protected.  Giants still walk this Earth. Some mountains are fossillized giants. There is much about your history you do not know, you have not been told. You must do your own research, you must ask your own questions and receive the answers until you hear it for yourself and feel it in your heart.  Finish

1:08:40--Wisdom’s Wildcard
White Dragon: You have revealed yourself to me twice. What would you like me to know? Thank you in advance for answering my question.
Pat:  My main message is for you to recognize our existence.  Recognize the false stories that have been spread about us.  We are benevolent creatures, we are protectors, we are guardians.  We love you humans, we consider it a privilege to be here to protect you, know that we are here.  More of us shall show ourselves and you will all discover the truth. You will all soar with Dragons.  Finish

1:10:20--Melissa Holland
Source Frequency : Is there anything I can do to heal my lungs or what I can do to make them stronger?
Pat:  The human body has the capacity to heal itself.  Talk to your body, talk to every cell. Tell it you love it.  You must also exercise your lungs, practice for example, blowing up balloons, blowing into paper bags.  Do not exert yourself too much, take small steps. If you also raise your frequency you will have a clearer understanding of how to do this.  Believe in yourself. Ask your DNA for help. Finish

Earth Frequency: Did the war described in the Hindu epic Mahabharata actually happen? what were the consequences and did it affect other beings and planets too?
Pat:  India has a magnificent history.  The epic story you mention is based, in fact (although it has been embellished) with similar stories, you might say, folklore.  It has been exaggerated. There was a war, the individuals concerned were not the ones mentioned in this story, they are a collection of people rolled into one to give the story.  As previously mentioned, mankind is largely reptilian, this makes him more warlike. He cannot resist it, it is in his nature. Wars are bad. This only affected the region of India, it did not affect the planet, it did not affect other planets.  Finish

1:16:29--Wisdom’s Wildcard
Hello Patrick, could I ask my Mother why she spoke to me in a dream, called me Terra and then sent me a gift?
Pat:  Your mother has been trying to contact you for quite a while, dreams are good places to start.  What she would like you to do is look in the mirror, look into your own eyes, imagine your mother, speak to her and she will respond.  Trust yourself, believe this is possible. Finish

1:17:53--woodswalker45 shi
Source Frequency : What is black goo?
Pat:  Black goo is an alien lifeform.  It can take any form. It is evil.  Finish

1:18:22--Beautiful WarGoddess
Source Frequency : What can you tell us about Lord Enki and Enlil, which one is the good one?
Pat:  The correct answer is they are both the good one because they both had their own individual path to follow, they both had their own individual missions to follow.  For other events to happen, following them, one may appear bad, but one may be doing this to assist the good one. Before you are incarnated into a human life, you may have agreed for someone to murder you, someone to do other bad things to you.  In this situation you do not get a stranger to do that for you, you get a loved one to do that for you, so, during that lifetime that loved one becomes an enemy. This is for your experience, this was agreed to beforehand. Likewise, with Enlil and Enki, everything was agreed to beforehand.  Finish

1:20:22--Ellie K Payton
Earth Frequency: Regarding the multiple vortexes in your magnetosphere, are these vortices caused by the visiting solar system debris? I've noticed some of these vortexes are spinning counter to normal.
Pat:  There are many vortices on the planet and in space, there are many portals, they are usually invisible.  Some people can feel them. The galaxy, obviously including the solar system, is traveling through space at a terrific speed.  As previously mentioned, you are entering a region of space that is unknown. Galaxies are merging, solar systems are merging, dimensions are merging, timelines are merging, it is a confusing time.  This is why we advise, live in the moment, enjoy the now. Finish

1:22:30--Truth in me
Mother Dragon Frequency (Fire Bird?) Was there a Dragon war in 2014 involving a black dragon? Was I apart of that? Thank you.
Pat:  All Dragons are benevolent.  There are entities and creatures that can impersonate Dragons.  There was one such creature, it was dispatched, we did have help.  I can’t say if you were involved, if you feel that is the case, then that is truth.  Finish

1:23:45--woodswalker45 shi
Source Frequency : Do organic portals exist and if so, are there more of them than actual souls in bodys?
Pat:  Portals are energy, portals are frequency.  They just exist, they are a doorway. Finish

1:24:50--Jeanette Edwards
Source Frequency :Will my late husband greet me when I pass on and how is he doing on the other side?
Pat:  He is well, he watches over you, he cuddles you.  Of course, he is waiting for you. Finish

1:25:25--Lori Duran
Source Frequency : Who was I in my past life?
Pat:  You are an old soul.  You have had many lifetimes.  All of this information is stored up in your individual DNA.  You would benefit from finding a practitioner who does past life regression, you will be pleasantly surprised.  You will know it is the truth because it will be you saying the words. Finish

1:26:32--Liz B
Love One Frequency : Do my parents or other loved ones that have passed have a message for me?
Pat:  Your parents are very proud of you.  They, when we say they, the part of them that were your parents, are watching over you, waiting for you.  Although there is a part of them that has already moved on, it is possible for the personality to remain but the essence to move on.  Their main message for you is you are not alone. We love you. Finish

1:27:40--Silver Skyz
Source Frequency : When I was a little girl trying to go to sleep, someone came out of my closet and sat on my bed and then sent back to the closet. Will you tell me who it was? please, ty
Pat:  This was a relative, not a close relative, one……
(Pat’s Echo device butted in here to talk to him!  He asked it to play “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond, which it did.  The fun of doing a live show!)
this person was about 4 generations ahead of you.  They are the protector of the family. They are very maternal, although the word, maybe they have been male and female at different times, this person was there to reassure you that all is well.  You are loved, you are safe, you are protected. Finish

1:32:20--Mark Smith
Mercury Frequency : How are you holding up under the intense energies coming off of the Sun! You are first and I wanted to see how you are feeling and want you to know I’m thinking much about you!
Pat:  Thank you.  I am in communication with many people on Earth.  I receive messages and love daily. It is difficult being this close to the Sun.  Although it is not emitting light, it is emitting energies and frequencies, I am affected on the part closest to the Sun.  I myself am going through changes. This is normal, I am not afraid. I look forward to the future. Finish

1:34:12--kindred Spirit Tarot
Source Frequency or dog? :Can you ask my dog Tulsa was it she who tugged at my dressing gown that time in the kitchen? Thank you
Pat:  Of course it was, who do you think it was?  I am always around you as are other pervious pets.  We love you, we would never leave you. Finish

1:36:00--Mother Nature
Source Frequency : Has all of my cancer left my body or should i go to the Drs and is there any messages for me? Thank you in advance, i appreciate it.
Pat:  At this moment in time you are cancer free.  Talk to your body, make it remain so. The message for you is to enjoy every moment, cherish your family relationships, be a good example.  Whenever possible you are to help others, you have many abilities. If you take time to ponder what they may be, there will be new ones activated.  Talk to yourself, talk to your higher self, talk to your guides, your guardian angels, there are many who watch over you. There is opposition, but you have the power, the tools, the weapons to overcome it.  You are a sovereign being, be powerful, be brave, keep moving forward. You are loved. Finish

1:38:05--Beautiful WarGoddess
Earth Frequency : Are returning to Source?
Pat:  No.  I am changing, I am expanding, I am growing in strength, I am growing in frequency.  There is much for me to do, There are other aspects to my being that will be revealed.  Today is not the day, but it will happen very, very soon. You will be surprised at what I do.  Finish

1:39:10--Brent Humphreys
Source Frequency : Is my daughter feeling a bit more secure after recent events of a private nature? please and thank you
Pat:  The concern of a father is very honorable.  Your daughter has gone through a traumatic experience.  She is coming to terms with these events. She knows you love her, she loves you greatly.  Just spend time with her, tell her you love her daily. Tell her she always has a place with you.  Tell her she can talk to you about anything, she is not to be embarrassed. She must not feel guilty, she is the innocent party.  It is very difficult, but she must put this time behind her and move forward, keep moving forward. Finish

1:41:08--Teri Brown
Source Frequency : love & healing to you~ Is the Red & Blue Kachina close to you now? And, have we ever seen real film or photos of space/planets, or has it all been a Hollywood-Disney fake ??
Pat:  A lot of what you see in your sky is fake imagery, but there have been occasions when real celestial bodies, planets, have been seen,  They are usually given a very negative press. The propaganda machine kicks in and people who witness these events, and have photographic evidence are usually vilified and laughed at.  There is much just outside your view point, some will be seen, some will be fake, most are genuine. Finish

1:43:40--Darth Revan
Source Frequency : Why did they let the Titanic sink and were they hiding something on that ship?
Pat:  The Titanic sinking was purely an accident.  Finish

Jupiter Frequency : Regarding your lovely moon Io. Are humans and brother beings working and living in a subterranean society with territorial offenses from outside forces? How is life for these? Thank
Pat:  There is life either on or under or around most of the planetary bodies, most of the moons are inhabited.  There are many mining colonies on the moons throughout the solar system, they are worked by human slaves who get abducted to perform this task.  There are many alien races that need the minerals from these moons. It is highly sought after. Any question asking is there life here or there, the answer is usually yes--life is everywhere.  Finish

1:46:07--E O Alchemist
Source Frequency : Will I be able to successfully negotiate a settlement regarding the spinal damage caused to my spine by the hospital.
Pat:  Yes, stick to your ground.  You have a strong case. Be forceful but be respectful.  Finish

1:47:07--Teri Brown
Source Frequency : Can you explain who is Kryon, a Magnetic Service channeler, & would that be Inner Earth??
Pat:  There are many individuals who channel entities.  Some are genuine, some are being deceived. The individual you mention needs to be…..what’s the word…..I’ve lost it, it’s gone, sorry.  Somebody cut me off there, I was interrupted.
Caro:  Is that right?
Pat:  Yeah
Caro:  That’s weird.
Pat:  Yeah.  I have had dealings with that name before but I shan’t go into that.

1:48:37--Kato9Tailz OwKneeAune
Uranus Frequency: How did I get so lucky to have you as my Planetary Ruler?
Pat:  We have a connection, it wa always going to be the case.  Enjoy, I love you. Finish

1:49:30--Camillia Mapley
Source Frequency : Could you please help me understand the vision given to me at big and little diomedes? thank you.
Pat:  Sorry, nothing there.  I hope I haven’t been cut off.

1:50:00--jo lee
Source Frequency : Did I drown in a past life? Thank you
Pat:  Yes.  Finish

1:50:20--Angela Valentine
Love One Frequency : Would like to ask if my deceased Grandmother or Father have anything they want to say to me?
Pat:  The message is one of hope.  They can see what is ahead of you and they are very happy for you.  They have a part to play in it becoming a reality. They are together, they are happy, they are eternal.  They are watching over you and your family. They will always be there. Finish
Pat says:  “My heart swelled up on that one.”
Caro:  A lot of love?
Pat:  “A lot of love, yeah.”

1:51:56--Ellie K Payton
Earth Frequency: Are the dark forces using portals in our atmosphere to deploy the chemical spray aircraft?
Pat:  The aircraft that are spraying your skies are based on Earth.  They are piloted by humans. Some of the craft are robots. There is a technology where there is not a craft, this is alien technology.  This, although unpleasant, will not continue forever, it will be stopped. Finish

1:53:25--Vanessa K
Source Frequency: Who is Adriel, the being I saw in my meditation and what did the shell represent? thank you
Pat:  You have many spirit guides, you have many protectors.  The imagery is one of protection. Your are safe, do not fear.  Be brave, set your goals and simply do it, you will reap many benefits.  Do not fear. Finish

1:56:45--Teri Brown
Earth Frequency : Can you tell me who my real father is?
Pat:  It would not be fair on the individual concerned for them to be named in such a manner.  You have to do your own investigation. This is very personal and should not be in a public forum.  Finish

1:57:57--Beautiful WarGoddess
Source Frequency : Has Golden Age just begun & what does this mean for Humanity?
Pat:  The concept of ages is not relevant at this time.  The Earth and the other planets in this solar system are going through a change.  Every human is going through a change, some call it ascension, some call it the event.  This is a continual process but it is individual. You are all at different frequencies and at different places along your individual paths, but your destination is the same.  Just remember to love, love, love. Do not fear. Finish

Patrick ends with an explanation about his connection to Source and all the frequencies and others he connects with, how strong it is, how it increases in strength as he goes on.  He is NOT channeling any being or entity, he has a direct connection with Source and that is how he gets his answers--not as pictures, not as words, but as feelings.

Thanks to all for watching.  Please take time to watch the previous shows before asking your questions and please follow the guidelines on how to ask your question correctly.

Remember, do not fear.  Do everything with love.

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