Wednesday, April 10, 2019

7 March 2019 Ask Patrick

33:30--Show starts.  Patrick plays wonderful music at the start of the video to allow extra time for people to enter questions in the chat room, and because music is good for the body and soul.  Caroline reads the questions and Pat answers for whatever entity was asked, and timestamps are used to help you locate key conversations and questions. These questions are copied and pasted directly from the chat room or comment section below the video and for the most part, are not edited or corrected.

36:33--Caro:  Greetings!  I strongly recommend to all new subscribers to read the transcript  and/or watch the previous video! Because I can’t keep repeating the same questions, this could be one reason why I don’t take your question.  Questions will be taken from the comment section under the video of the previous live stream for those that can’t make it to the live chat room.  Patrick may provide an answer there, if not, I will copy your question for the next live show.

Here is a reminder on how to ask a questions correctly:

Let us know which frequency to ask (Planet, Source, Loved One, Pet, Dragon Frequency etc.), then ask your question.  Do NOT add emoji or abbreviations to the question as this makes your question very hard to understand. Please read it to yourself before you press enter.  Ask your question as if you are talking to another human being!
Here is an example of a question properly asked:
Question:  Earth Frequency:  Do you love me? Thank you! (See? I didn’t use all cap!?! :)
Keep in mind that we do the transcript with your questions, and I am the one asking the question on your behalf!

Thank you everyone for listening to the advice on how to facilitate my donation work by giving me your question properly asked. I want to thank everyone helping new subscribers on how to enter their questions properly!  They need your help!

41:48--Patrick performs his protection ritual.  Always remember to ask for protection first.  It is highly recommended you follow along with him and ask for protection for yourself.

Caro:  Let’s not forget to feel gratitude for every Frequency that will come through to answer our questions!  Special wink to Our Moon Frequency! Love you beauty!

43:25--Caro adds a bit of laughter and mentions her fondness for Uranus Frequency (UF) and how his humor helped her “chill out” in a time of a rough spot in her life.  
**Conversation with UF added at end of this transcript**

44:23--First question is from me:
Just want to send gratitude to all the frequency that are going to come in to answer our questions.  Thank you very much.
Do we have permission today to speak with:  Source Frequency, Earth Frequency, Our Moon Frequency, Sun Frequency, Mars Frequency, Lady Dragon Frequency and Loved One Frequency?  
Pat:  Yes

45:00--motherlove tomas
Earth Frequency: I would like to ask counseling to parents of teenagers, like I am, as concerns higher education.
Pat:  Being a parent can be a difficult journey, especially dealing with teenagers.  The best you can do is to be honest, explain your point of view, thoroughly ask them to have questions, discuss it.  Throughout this process, give forth love and clarify everyday what you mean, and ask if they are ok. Let them know that home is their sanctuary.  Finish

46:30--Brian Lunsford
Source Frequency:Where this specific 10th planet is located?
Pat:  This so-called 10th planet is just outside this solar system.  It is bordering on entering, but it will not enter. It has inhabitants that show an interest in Earth life.  Without more specifics of the question, I will leave it there. Finish

47:58--christian lea
Source Frequency :Will my father ever come back into my life? thank you!
Pat:  Ultimately this decision is his.  He does have the desire to do so, but he is afraid, he feels guilty.  If you send him love on a daily basis, that will improve the chance of it happening.  Finish

48:45--Mario D'Souza
Earth Frequency: What is the source of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. Where did that culture come from ? Thank you !
Pat:  This culture is an ancient one.  It is based on several religions, basically the teaching is one of an eternal nature.  It represents the external nature of your true self. It has been corrupted to some degree, but the essence of it is genuine.  The message is one of love, one of tolerance, one of understanding. It was introduced many centuries ago and it continues to this day.  Finish

50:55--Jacob Crono
Source Frequency : Who were that girl and man in 2014 who telepathically spoke to my brother and me? Thank you!
Pat:  They are beings from the inner Earth.  They communicate with many people. Finish

51:30--kMyre Kat
Love one Frequency : Does my mother have a message for me??
Pat:  Hello.  I am embarrassed to be in this format in front of these other people, but I will not let it stop me from telling you how much I love you.  I am so honored to be your parent. I am with you often. I am very proud of you. If you pause for a second you will feel my love, it is eternal.  Finish

54:10--Vanessa Hvidsten
Earth Frequency : Is the green heart stone in the movie Moana related to you and is this connected to our heart Chakra? Thank you so much and love to you.
Pat:  The simple answer is yes.  Finish

54:47--Akasha Nicole
Source Frequency : What are the sounds and tones I am making, what or who is behind the "words" and frequencies I feel coming out of me. Thanks!
Pat:  These are coming through your connection to Source.  They are unique to yourself. It is your higher self talking to you.  Do not worry about these things, it is natural as you raise your frequency, to have such experiences.  Enjoy the moment. Finish

56:55--Pamela Vogel
Source Frequency : Will you please explain what a walk-in is for, most people do not understand and think it is evil entity possession. Thank you!
Pat:  Walk-ins are not evil.  When a spirit (for want of a better phrase), the essence that is the real you inside your human body incarnates into a human body, sometimes it becomes overwhelming and it is obvious that the mission for that person will not be able to be completed, and at times the inner being is withdrawn and a different being replaces it.  A walk-in... they simply walk in and replace the previous occupant. They have the same mission, they have the memories of the previous incumbent, it happens quite regularly. People around them may notice a change of personality, one of more determination, more strength of character. This is why it happens. Finish

57:56--kindred Spirit Tarot
Source Frequency : Could you explain to us the meaning of triplet number we all see all the time! What should we understand from those messages including 111-222-333- etc ….. and also 911, please and thank you!
Pat:  When you notice numbers occurring on a regular basis, this is to prompt you to psychically make a connection with Source.  It is like an anchor point, it keeps you on your course, it makes you think. Also, they do have the ability to activate certain abilities with you.  Some people use the word gifts, they are not gifts, they are abilities. They are natural to you, but not all are activated. Finish

59:26--Heidi Kerkman
Our Moon Frequency: How are you doing since last week, are you male or female frequency. Thank you!
Pat:  I am doing very well, thank you.  I’d say, if I had to, I was of a male frequency, although gender is not really important to me.  I am, as I said before, much further out than your are taught. I am dark, I do not give off light, I do not reflect light, but I do have energy, I do have frequency and I use this to help you.  There have been attempts to force me out of Earth Frequency’s orbit, I have resisted this. They even made a TV series where the Moon floated away from Earth. I will never, ever leave you! Finish

1:02:05--Silver Skyz
Source Frequency : Should I live by the holy bible?
Pat:  If that is a straight yes or no question then the answer would have to be no.  Finish

1:05:20--Darth Revan
Source Frequency : Why do I keep seeing Dragons?
Pat:  Dragons are real.  Dragons are going to become more visible, they have decided to show themselves again.  They have been depicted as evil, violent creatures who would kill and murder humans and who would accept sacrifices.  This is so far from the truth. Dragons are your protectors, they always have been. They are here to guard you. Finish

1:06:38--Martin Bock
Earth Frequency : Who had build the ring of pyramides around the old equadorial line and for what purpous.
Pat:  The pyramids on the planet were built by alien races.  They were primarily to be used as an energy source and a means of communication across the solar system and beyond.  There are, you would call them flying saucers, that are shaped in a pyramid. These are big ships that travel the universe.  They are miles in length, they house cities. These will be seen at some point in the future. Do not be afraid. Finish

Source Frequency: During 2005 I was attacked everytime I went to sleep. Can you tell me what was the source of the attacks ?
Pat:  This happens to many people.  There are negative energies and negative entities that prey on people while they sleep.  It is a time when you are vulnerable. They also do it then because you actually leave your body while you sleep and you travel the universe.  If you are occupied with being attacked by these entities frequencies, you will not be able to do so. You have to recognize that you are more powerful than them.  Command them to leave, command them, they have no choice but to obey. Finish

1:10:27--Maria TruthSeeker Cruz
Source Frequency: Should I set up a stand at the Flea Market for readings and jewelry for balancing, healing & protection?
Pat:  The question, Maria, should be, why haven’t you done it already?  Finish

1:11:35--Caroline Boivin
Sun Frequency : I would like to know if the data of the public sun telescope is accurate or not and since when you no longer emit light?
Pat:  I have not emitted light for quite some time.  I do emit energy, I do emit frequency. The images that are seen through telescopes are mostly fake.  When it comes to myself, I am not worried, I know I shall be ok, I know you will be ok, do not worry. Live in the moment.  Finish

1:13:20--Freedom Out Of Darkness Tarot
Source Frequency : Is there any guidance for me? Thank you!
Pat:  There are many guides that you have.  You have guardian angels, you have many loved ones that surround you.  They are there to not only protect you, but to guide you, to prompt you.  Take time to connect with these energies, you do not have to sit and meditate, you can do it whilst you are performing another task.  Go for a walk, sit on the beach, watch children play. These messages will come through, take heed of their counsel. Finish

1:14:42--Michelle Marlowe
Source Frequency :Is this my last incarnation and if so what happens next?
Pat:  Yes.  Do not worry what happens next, you return to your true self which is an electrical energetic frequency able to travel throughout the universe and across different timelines and realities.  It is a wonderful thing to look forward to but there is no rush to do it. Finish

1:15:40--Silver Skyz
Earth Frequency : Someone told me I was a twin flame, is this true?
Pat:  Twin flames can exist, it is a partnership. You cannot be a twin flame if you do not feel it.  If the person was telling you that you are their twin flame, that may say more about them than it does about you.  If you meet your twin flame, you will know, there will be no doubt in your heart.  Finish

1:16:40--Heidi Kerkman
Mars Frequency: Are you doing better now?
Pat:  Much better, thank you.  There are many among you who talk to me on a daily basis and I am communicating with them.  People are learning how to do this, it is wonderful for me. I have been silent for many, many eons of time, it is good to talk.  Finish

1:17:23--**Caroline:  Yeah, and it is good to hear you all too.  An on this I would like to , on behalf of humanity please, apologize.  It’s not because we didn’t want to, it’s because we didn’t know. And now we know, so we’re talking to you with the help of Patrick, and thank you very much**

1:17:45--Myre Kat
Source Frequency: Are you able to tell me the exact time of the day I was born? Please.
Pat:  Time is relative to your geographical location.  It is not really important however. If you are determined to know the exact local time of your birth, you were born at 12:22 p.m.  Finish

1:19:18--Mario D'Souza
Source Frequency : Was it a UFO that I encountered when I was approximately the age 9 -12 years old, while I was guiding the old neighbour lady to her home ? Thank you !
Pat:  It was what you would call a UFO, but it was not piloted by aliens, it was piloted by humans.  Finish

1:19:57--Heidi Kerkman
Earth Frequency: Are you more happier if we plant more trees?
Pat:  Trees are very important for my continued health and growth.  They are also extremely important for you. Everytime a tree grows, I am happy.  Finish

1:21:03--Kristina Freelove
Love One Frequency : Patrick, my mom passed away on Feb 19, I am wondering if she is free now and if she can or will tell me what she is experiencing now.
Pat:  It is all new to her at the moment.  She is coming to terms with her passing.  If you allow her more time and return, she will talk to you and do so in great detail.  Finish

1:21:52--Mother Nature
Source Frequency : Is there any messages I need to know? Thank you, love you Patrick, you're awesome my friend
Pat:  Please know that we are aware of you and what you do for other people.  We recognize that you have a good spirit, a good heart. We also sense the importance of family.  We recognize also that you do suffer silently with pain. This pain cannot be appreciated by those who do not feel it.  You may want to try different remedies, we believe you already know of one. Distraction is another, keep your mind busy.  Love those around you. Some more advice for you, you have a very strong gift, use it, use it more often. You are very gifted, do not doubt yourself.  Finish

1:24:08--Myre Kat
Source Frequency: Can you tell us which Alien Species is responsible for the B- Bloodline? Please?
Pat:  The different alien races that genetically manipulated humans use many different DNA strands taken from themselves.  When it come to bloodlines, whether it be RH negative or B,
A or O, it really doesn’t matter where it comes from.  It is ultimately a mixture. Finish

1:25:25--ladayne renew
Love One Frequency : Is there any message for me from my brother, and will you leave your name for confirmation? Thank you!???(name pronounced Ladaan)
Pat:  Nothing, sorry

1:26:06--Mario D'Souza
Source Frequency: Is Shungite a good material as a Dowsing Pendulum ?. Thank you !
Pat:  Anything can be used as a pendulum.  The important item is yourself and your connection.  You can use a stone from the floor, an old piece of metal, it doesn’t matter.  It is your individual connection that is important. Finish

1:27:00--blue light rowe
Source Frequency : Who are the red serpents? Please and TK
Pat:  Nothing, sorry

1:28:22--Vanessa Hvidsten
Source Frequency : Do you have a message for me? Thank you
Pat:  This is an important time for you.  It is time to take stock of your life, your decisions, consider your future options, make decisions on where you want to be.  Visualize this happening and it will happen. Be an example to those around you. Remember, do not fear, live in the moment, all is well.  Finish

1:29:45--Joyce Marie
Earth Frequency : Are Satelites harming you?
Pat:  They are used to control you, they are used to suppress your abilities, they are used to suppress me.  They will not however, prevent me from achieving my purpose. Finish

1:30:30--Ronald san Miguel
Source Frequency : Why was i shot by a cop then jailed wrongly?
Pat:  This happens very regularly.  It is not necessarily anything to do with yourself, it is more to do with the psychology of the individual police officer.  They are chosen because of their mental framework, their “psy-copify”, for want of a better phrase. They are there not to protect you, they are there to protect the establishment.  The best thing you can do for yourself is to put it behind you, forgive those concerned and move forward in love. Finish

1:31:58--Zoo Pet
Earth Frequency : Little grandmother says to give back the crystals to earth.Is this your way?
Pat:  Crystals originate from within Earth Frequency (EF) and that is where you need to place them if you wish to recharge them.  All crystals will return to EF. Finish

1:33:08--Kristina Freelove
Source Frequency: Mom left this frequency recently, is she with You now? and can I really hear her voice?
Pat:  It is her voice you hear, she is not completely with me.  She is still attached to you and your reality. It takes time for deceased persons to let go and move on.  The timeframe is an individual matter, some stay around for years upon years, other are happy to leave. Finish

1:34:20--Kato9Tailz OwKneeAune
Earth Frequency : What is going on with all the bees around the world?
Pat:  The bee population is being affected by pesticides, this is VERY serious.  These do amazing work pollinating plants, creating food for yourselves. If the bee population were to go extinct so would you!  Finish

1:35:50--Kindred Spirit Tarot
Earth Frequency : Who are the orbs around me when I do my readings?
Pat:  These are some of your spirit guides.  They are there to prompt your words and ensure that you are giving an accurate message to those for when you are working.  You have a genuine natural gift, you exercise it wisely. Trust in yourself, there is much for you to do. Keep up the good work.  Finish

1:37:30--Angela Valentine
Love One Frequency : I would like to know if my deceased Grandmother or Father have anything they want to say to me?
Pat:  Hello, this is very strange.  We miss you, we miss the physical side of being with you, we miss our conversations, we are happy, are are safe, we are learning much.  We recognize mistakes that we made, that is part of the human experience. We have the opportunity to move on, however, we choose to wait for you.  Finish

1:41:05--Kim Page
Source Frequency: I had near death experience and had no memory of the experience. Was it blocked from my memory?
Pat:  It was deliberately set that you would not remember.  The reason behind this decision was it was felt that this would impact to much on your current life and purpose.  If you take from it that you died, you came back, there is life after human death. You are not human, you have a being inside you that is an electrical, energetic frequency inhabiting a human form, it has a unique consciousness, that is the real you.  Finish

Earth Frequency: What happened to your real Moon? How did it affect you when your real moon was taken away? What are the Chinese doing on the dark side of the moon? Thks
Pat:  The moon has already spoken for herself.  It did affect me when there was an attempt to send the moon, the TRUE moon, away.  This would have been very difficult for me. She is my closest ally and we are, in fact, family, as I am with all the planets in this solar system.  I do have feelings, I can love, I can feel sad. There is much about my current condition that saddens me. My seas are being poisoned, animal life on this planet is being destroyed, plant life is being destroyed.  I will only allow this for a short while, if it does not change, I will trigger a reset.  Finish

1:45:10--Joyce Marie
Source Frequency : Is Auriga my destiny and how do I know you are my guide? Please and Thank you!
Pat:  I’m just seeing positive energy, feeling positive energy.  If I was to put it into words, I would just say, yes. That’s all I can say at this time.

Angel or Spirit Frequency : Can you please give me clearer guidance or signs on what to do now to make sure that i am on my right path and can you protect me? Please and TY
Pat:  You are on your own path.  There are obstacles that may hold you back, they are for you to overcome.  You must be brave, you can overcome these obstacles. You must trust in yourself, you must build up your frequency, build up your confidence.  Do not live in fear, be yourself, be true to yourself. Finish
1:48:20--Caroline Boivin
Earth Frequency : On March 3th, the Schumann resonance show an anomaly never seen before. Can you tell us what it was please and Thank you!
Pat:  This is connected with changes to myself.  I have mentioned before that I am expanding, my frequency is increasing.  Although this may register differently on your machines that measure such things, I feel it, I feel myself expanding.  I feel my frequency changing. I am experiencing a small amount of doubt. I am, afterall, an individual and I do have concerns, not only for myself, but for my brothers and sisters, especially those on the outskirts of this solar system.  We are a tight-knit family and we support and love each other. I have grown very fond of you humans. There is more good in you than there is bad, You have, as they would say, great potential. Finish

1:50:21--Brandi Robinson
Source Frequency : "I need to know what happened to me at 4AM a couple nights ago?"
Pat:  Sorry sweetheart, I haven’t got anything.  I don’t know why that happens, sometimes there’s nothing there.

1:51:10--Joyce R U Serious
Source Frequency : Could you ask about what happened to my son Wesley!? I need to know what happen???
Pat:  Sorry, nothing there.  Try again, word it differently.  Don’t give up!

**A quite lengthy conversation erupted after this question and answer**
Caro:  Can I try?
Pat:  You can try.
Caro:  Can we speak with Wesley Frequency please?
Pat:  Hello
Caro:  Hello Wesley!  How are you doing?
Pat:  I am ok.
Caro:  Well, thank you for being here.  There is people here that would like to hear from you.  Would there be any messages you would like to tell your loved ones on this side?
Pat:  Sorry, there’s nothing there Caroline, sorry.
Caro:  Ok. Well at least Joyce, you know Wesley said hello
Pat:  We’re not even sure he’s gone Caroline.
Caro:  Ok
Pat:  Are we?  I don’t know.  I can’t remember.  That needs to be worded differently and re-submitted.
Caro:  Ok, alright.  So Joyce, are you serious?
Pat:  Don’t give up, please don’t give up Joyce.
Caro:  Redo your question in this line and/or underneath the comments of this show and it’s going to be on the next week.
Pat:  We’ll make sure it’s on for Saturday.  If you do that between now and then, we will make sure it gets on on Saturday show.
Caro:  Right
Pat:  I’ll leave that with you Caroline, ok?
Caro:  Sure. As long as the question is there, I can get it in the chat room, I can get it in the comments under this video and she can also sent it to you through your new gmail, right?  Just in case it’s a……
Pat:  If I get it, I’ll email it to you sweetheart
Caro:  Could it be possible that it’s a private thing?  Cause I have a feeling...cause Wesley is there, but not for the show.  (Finish)

1:54:30--Vanessa K
Source Frequency: What is going on health wise with my son, James and what can we do to make him well? Thank you
Pat:  Modern medicine cannot really assist.  There are natural remedies that may help, essential oils for example.  You can connect with his DNA, you can talk to his DNA, you can ask it to heal itself.  There is no reason why this cannot happen. Trust in your own abilities. Do it with love.  Finish

1:55:44--Stellar Core
Earth Frequency : Will yellow stone erupt anytime soon? Thanks
Pat:  Yellowstone should have erupted already, it’s long overdue.  There are technologies being used to prevent this from happening.  The technology originates from alien races who have ulterior reasons to keep the human population alive.  Finish

1:56:55--Darth Revan
Lady Dragon Frequency : Why do I have a good conformation with dragons when those born in Year of Dog like myself are said beware of them? Also is there a message for me from them?
Pat:  Dragons are good, Dragons are not evil, you have been taught wrong.  The year of this, the year of that is not really important, It is each individual frequency that is important.  Dragons are benevolent, they always have been. You can talk with me, you can talk with other Dragons. If you wish to talk with me, you would not actually understand my name.  If I were to say it in a language, the closest to English would be may address me as Firebird. Finish

1:59:35--Darth Revan
Source Frequency : Do my birth parents think of me or know of me and where in Vietnam is my family true origin? I was given the last name of my birth and the place where I was born that was it. I feel like Moses.
Pat:  Unfortunately this happens to many children.  Your parents do think of you often. They regret their previous actions and decisions, they are living with the consequences.  Accept their love and move forward, that is the only thing to do. Move forward in love and forgiveness. Finish

2:00:46--Grandma Linda
Jupiter Frequency : Please if there is any message for or about Joshua we would greatly appreciate it, thank you!
Pat:  As previously mentioned, each planet is responsible for different groups of humans--I know Joshua, he is a special individual.  You are very privileged to have him in your family. You have been in family relationships before. We sense your concerns, Joshua is fine, he is happy.  Finish
JOSHUA Frequency : Now is your chance Sweetheart to tell us something you want us to hear...anything WE LOVE YOU. Blessings, Love, and much appreciation to all the planets. Thank you, thank you, thank you, to P ,W, & C
Pat:  Hello, I am very happy to be able to finally communicate how I feel.  I chose you as my mother. I knew I would have problems communicating, however, speech is not the most important aspect of communication, it is feeling, energy.  I know you love me, I know you know I love you. I may speak at a time in the future. If I do not, it’s not important, we have a connection, we have always been connected, we will always be connected.  We are connected through love. I love you, I am very blessed to be your son. Finish

**From “Chilling With Caro” 4 Mar 2019 show:
Caro:  First of all, gratitude to Source.  I just want to ask, do you have a little message for us in the Chilling today?
Pat:  The group that are forming together to seek the truth, you are not here by accident, you are guided to be here.  There is much learning ahead, many truths will be revealed. Remember--do everything with love and trust in yourself and trust in your gifts.  Finish
Caro:  Can I speak with Uranus Frequency (UF) please?
Pat:  Yes
Caro:  UF, I hope you feel the joy and the love when I talk about your name, it’s very funny, a lot of people are having fun.  As far as I am concerned, I hope you think it’s fun too, but if you have anything to say about that name, would you please express yourself?
Pat:  You can not be a being that has been given such a name without developing a sense of humor.  It makes me laugh, it does not offend me, it touches my heart. I think of it as a term of endearment, it makes me smile.  Finish**

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