Wednesday, April 10, 2019

2 March 2019 Ask Patrick

Patrick has renamed his channel to “Ask Patrick” and will now be answering the questions without using a chart & pendulum or the rods.  Caroline is reading the questions and Patrick is answering them. These questions are from the 16 February 2019 show, and most are copy & paste ones from the chat room, and not all questions have been corrected for grammar by the transcriptionist.

30:30--Patrick:  Hello everyone, welcome to my channel.  Before the show starts proper I thought I would just take a few moments to talk to you.  I was very saddened by the attack on Wayne (R. Wayne Steiger) this week, you couldn’t meet a nicer man.  If this had happened this time last year, I would be attacking the person, I would not be a friendly chap!  But through what Wayne has taught me, I am going to follow his example and send them love. I encourage you all to do the same.  I hope you all enjoy the new format of the show, and we’ll get it started right now. Before we start, is there anything you’d like to say Caroline?

Caroline:  Absolutely.  I would like to add a reminder on how to ask questions…
Let us know which frequency to ask (Planet, Source, Loved One, Frequency), then ask your question.  Do NOT add emoji to the question, and read it to yourself before you press enter. Ask your question as if you are talking to another human being!
Here is an example of a question properly asked:
Question:  Earth Frequency:  Do you love me? Thank you!
(See? I didn’t use all cap!?! :)

Let’s not forget to feel gratitude for any and all Frequencies that will come to answer our questions! A special wink for Mercury and Mars Frequency! Thank you!

35:12--Patrick covers himself, his home and family in protection and Caroline aims protection through her webcam to all those who are connected.

37:23--Pat explains his new format of doing the show without the chart & pendulum or rods.  He simply does not need these tools any longer.

40:47--Caroline asks permission to speak to all the Frequencies:
Good day to all Frequency!  Do we have permission to speak with
Source Frequency, Sun Frequency, Mercury Frequency, Earth Frequency,
Jupiter Frequency and Loved One Frequency?  Is it ok to ask all of you for permission at once
before we start? Thank you!  And now your questions please, and thank you!

41:15--Donna Wagener
Source Frequency:  Is my daughter ok and will I see her again?  It’s been 27 years, a day hasn’t gone by that my heart doesn’t hurt for her?
Pat:  Hello Mother, this is very emotional for me, which is why I asked for a private session with you.  I understand the emotion of that would be too great, and I know Patrick feels my emotions. I have been wondering what to say because I knew this was going to happen.  I am safe, I am happy, I am well, I am always around you. If you find a quiet place, you will feel my love. And to your other question, of course you will see me again, I am waiting for you, love you.  Finish

43:25--Caroline Boivin
Mercury Frequency:  How are you doing these days, and what can we do to help you?
Pat:  Hello Caroline, I am doing very well since I last spoke.  I have received much love and it really does make a difference to us planets.  We live a solitary existence and we can see the whole solar system and beyond, and we take an interest in the children of Earth Frequency.  There is a change coming and we are all excited. A tipping point has been passed, things will speed up. Remember, do not live in fear, love everybody.  Finish

44:56--Cynthia Wood
Will you ask Mercury how Thoth is doing?
Pat:  Sorry, nothing is there at the moment.

45:30--Beautiful War Goddess
1) Is Atlantis Rising?
Pat:  Atlantis has already risen and its inhabitants have ascended.  Finish
2) Is it true we will have a new Earth?
Pat:  Not new as in different planet, new as in a changed planet.  This change is underway and on schedule. Changes will happen more quickly as time progresses.  Finish
3) Is it true our bodies will turn to crystalline?
Pat:  That is part of the process, but it is not the end of the process.  Finish
4) Is it true we are not real but rather a pixel simulation?
Pat:  It is an electrical holographic universe, however, the consciousness aspect is real. Finish
5) Are Humans Source Creator?
Pat:  I don’t understand the question.
6) Are the planets, rocks and mountains made of human giants DNA?
Pat:  Yes.  Finish

48:22--Truth in me
Earth Frequency:  I was told to drink my urine, will this help heal my body?
Pat:  No.  Finish

48:56--cindy griffin
Sun Frequency:  How many planets are out of their orbits, and are you about to lose one of them due to orbit changes?
Pat:  There are many celestial objects with my solar system.  There are many just outside and even further. There are many exchanges happening.  These exchanges happen on a regular basis, but not at this magnitude. There are a vast number coming into this solar system and causing difficulty for the existing planets.  We are concerned. Finish

50:05--Tim O
I have a question for Patrick Frequency:  Will your pendulum work if your eyes are closed? Thank you.
Pat:  (chuckling) Not anymore!

**Pat:  “Can I just say Caroline, because we are doing it from the chat room now, any question that gets put in the chat room is extracted and added to the list.  So, you only have to enter it once. To enter it again and again in every chat room or comments underneath the video, that just makes it harder for us.”**

52:06--CJ Peterson
Source Frequency:  Am I going to begin my healing work this year?
Pat:  There is nothing to prevent this from happening, but the ultimate timing of this is entirely up to you.  You will be assisted, whatever you decide. Finish

52:40--Jacob Crono
Source Frequency:  Can you tell me what was the shift me and my brother experienced when we were in our childhood?  Thank you, and much love.
Pat:  This was when you both were in your formative years, you still had a connection to Source.  There are many things around you all that cannot be seen, many children see them. They are not to be feared, it is all good.  Finish

Source Frequency:  Why so many killings, persecution and ethnic cleansings taking place on Earth in the name of religion?  When, and how will this end? Thank you.
Pat:  Religion is just the excuse.  The real reason is your DNA as humans, it is mostly reptilian.  This makes mankind a warlike being. If there was no religion whatsoever, the killings would still happen and a different excuse would be given.  You have to fight your nature, your strongest weapon is love. Finish

56:12--robin robinrobin ledford
Source Frequency: How is our galaxy holding together?  Tell everybody the happy grandpa neighbor sends favor, peace and love.
Pat:  The galaxy as a whole is increasing in speed into a region of space that is unknown. The solar system you are in is traveling across the galaxy, which is unusual. The outcome of this is also unknown.  There will be, probably, more merging of solar systems. Planets will be added, planets will be lost. There may be, as there has in the past, also be additional suns.  This will generate new frequency and energy, this is sorely needed. Finish

57:42--Ruth from kindred spirit tarot channel
Sun Frequency: What was the ring stargate looking thing that was photographed next to you, and if it is a stargate, has anything come through it yet?
Pat:  It is a stargate, it is a stargate used for time travel.  Finish

58:22--Brandi Robinson
Source Frequency:  What's the best path for me to make income right now?
Pat:  The best for you to do is find an occupation that you enjoy, that gives you satisfaction, that gives you purpose.  If you find this, you will be more productive, you will be noticed and you will receive the rewards you are due. Trust in yourself.  Finish

59:20--Claudette Malespina
Source Frequency:  Are the veils dropping around us?
Pat:  It is not dropping, it is becoming visible.  Finish

59:40--Margriet Brandsma
Source Frequency:  Is the new born in the family the spirit of our brother O.?
Pat:  Yes.  Finish

1:00:06--Lynn Hansen
Source Frequency:  Are the Emerald Tablets a trap?
Pat:  Not a trap, there is much genuine information contained, but part of it is corrupted.  Take out the good, leave the bad. Finish

1:00:45--denise v
Source Frequency:  Do you have a message for me?  Thank you!
Pat:  You chose to incarnate into this life many, many years ago.  You have a soul family with you. You have been in many family groupings throughout the generations.  You are helping each other learn and how to experience this 3D reality so that your group will be able to leave this 3D world and soar across the universe together.  Remember, love is the answer. Finish

1:02:30--Shaunna sparkles Clarke
Is there any messages from my parents that have passed away?
Pat:  (Can I just say, personally, my heart is swelling up with love and I can feel this big smile!)  We would like you to know you are greatly loved. We miss you although we can see you. We can watch your day-to-day activities.  We are so very proud of you. We feel sometimes that we could have been better parents, but you do not get instructions, you just get given a baby.  We did our best. We love you, we are waiting for you. Finish

1:04:39--Stellar Core
Source Frequency:  What is the best crystal for a starter to get involved with?
Pat:  The best thing for you to do is to find a store that sells crystals, spend time, ask permission to handle them.  The type of crystal does not matter, one will connect with you. It is waiting for you, you have to seek it out, you have to earn it.  Finish

1:05:30--Robin Hill SomerWolf
Source Frequency:  What is the meaning of the blue-green crystal I saw during meditation?
Pat:  This is to emphasize the change of frequencies that is happening.  Their frequencies are becoming more electrical, more energetic, more powerful.  If you focus on this vision you will be able to access the energy and power. Remember, do it with love.  Finish

1:06:36--Inspirational Touch
Earth Frequency:  Have the Earth chakras changed?  Where are they located now?
Pat:  They are moving, they haven’t settled.  They are growing bigger and stronger as the Earth is expanding in size to increase the frequency and energy.  This is a fluid situation. Finish

1:07:30--Seeker of Truth-2
Source Frequency:  Is there an inner Earth entrance near northern California?
Pat:  Yes, there are other entrances across the planet.  Some in plain sight, others well hidden. Finish

1:08:08--Freedom: Out Of Darkness Tarot
Source Frequency:   Is there any message for me please?  Thank you!
Pat:  Trust in your gifts, trust in your intuition, believe in yourself, be an example to those around you.  You have a light, shine it well. Finish

1:09:10--Path Finder
Earth Frequency:  Is there any message for me?
Pat:  I love all of my children equally.  This question is better asked by Source, I shall pass you over….You are on the correct path, keep striving to raise your frequency.  Remember, do not live in fear. Surround yourself with love. Enjoy every moment. Be brave, you are a warrior. Finish

Source Frequency:  Hi Patrick, much respect. I was hoping Source could connect me with my grandfather?
Pat:  Hello Cassie, my wonderful girl.  I was so privileged to be your grandfather.  We had a very strong bond, which continues. Love can only grow bigger and stronger.  Know that I am with you, with others from our family, some you know, some you do not know.  We have a circle of protection around you, you need to be fearless. Know you are loved. Till we meet again, love you sweetheart.  Finish

1:13:47--David Gregg
Earth Frequency!  Since we are not native to this planet, what should we be doing?
Pat:  Your main priority is to raise your frequency to be able to escape this prison planet. Work harder. Finish

1:14:27--Seeker of Truth-2
Source Frequency!  Is my wife and I are implanted with some kind of technology that we are not aware of?
Pat:  All humans are implanted with technology, it is included in the chemtrails.  You would call it nanotechnology, you breathe it in. Your bodies are full of them.  Finish

1:15:55--Miss Stephanie
How are you Becky my best friend?  Are you going to reincarnate & where are you now? Source. Thank you Source Patrick & Caroline!
Pat:  I am enjoying the rest.  I am making plans. I shall reincarnate, but not yet.  I am happy, I am safe, I am watching you. Much love my friend.  Finish
1:17:50--Marisa Gonzalez
Source Frequency:  Will there be a world wide financial reset with all debts forgiven? Thank You.
Pat:  There will not be an official debt forgiveness, there will be currency failures, there will be a collapse of the financial system.  Things will be difficult, but eventually there will become more local solutions to these problems. Money does not exist anywhere else, it is FAKE, it is a control mechanism, it is a TRAP!  Finish

1:20:05--Jabbers Justice
Source Frequency:  Is my cloud incident a dream or a memory?
Pat:  It is a memory.  Finish

1:20:39--ladayne renew
Jupiter Frequency:  In August while observing magnetosphere of your sister, Earth Frequency, many of us witnessed what seemed to be Eye of Horus signature close to you.  Are my friend and I right about Ra?
Pat:  The answer is there, but I’m not to tell it at the moment.  Finish

1:21:42--blue light rowe
Could you ask the moon how they feel and do they watch us ?
**Since there is more than one moon out there, this question has been reformulated by Caroline to direct it towards the Moon of Earth Frequency: Our Moon Frequency: How are you doing?**
Caro:  Can we speak with our Moon Frequency please?  YES....How are you doing?
Pat:  Not very well, I am farther out than you realize.  I do not reflect light. If you could see me, I would appear dark.  I have energy and frequency but no light. The fake moons that appear in your atmosphere and beyond are there to control you.  I am your true Moon, I will never leave. I love you. Finish

1:24:35--Abby Mead
Earth Frequency:   Are my efforts to connect with you working? Am I really a healer?
Pat:  Your connection is strong, trust your talents.  Get to work. Finish

Source Frequency:  Just want to know if there is something important I must know?
Pat:  Nothing, sorry

1:25:55--Teresa Smith
Source Frequency:  When will I get my visitations back with my son?
Pat:  This will take time, but it will happen.  Please be patient, it will be worth it. Finish

1:26:49--Genie Roze
Is my late husband near me?
Pat:  Sometimes.  He is moving amongst all those he loved.  He spends most of his time with you. He does not want to be an anchor to the past for you.  He traveled his path and he wants you to travel yours. Never feel guilty, just feel love. We will meet again, much love. Finish

1:28:10--Mike T
Sun Frequency:  What will be the impact of your upcoming mini nova on life on Earth?
Pat:  This question got answered on Wayne’s channel
**Unfortunately, the answer to this question was from the 26 February 2019 show on Wayne’s channel that was attacked and is no longer available to view.  Fortunately, the transcript was completed before the video got taken down and here is the answer from Sun Frequency: Yes, I have gone through this process several times, although human life has not always been present.  Recent human civilizations before yours have already ascended. Finish**

1:29:22--Norma Wesley
Earth Frequency:  How much longer will it be before the evil reptilians leave this earth?
Pat:  They will never leave, they were here before you.  Finish

1:30:04--Bo Aksel Nielsen
Jupiter Frequency:  Does Jupiter have any expanding info and inner-standing direction for me? TY
Pat:  All the planets have people on Earth who they watch over, it is considered an honor.  If you are doing your best, your best is good enough. Remember, you are not alone, we are all one.  Finish

1:31:17--Beautiful War Goddess
Source Frequency:  What is my Mission?
Pat:  You have several missions.  You are to be an example to those around you.  You are to be a light that shows them the way. You are to help people, you have gifts.  You have the gift of healing, you have the gift of discernment, you have the gift of intuition.  As you perfect these gifts, other gifts within you will be activated. Concentrate on your strengths.  Do not judge yourself to harshly. You are a special daughter. Finish

1:32:45--robin robinrobin ledford
Source Frequency:  Is there a message for me?  ty
Pat:  You are to connect with your guides, connect with your higher self, become one spiritually and you’ll grow beyond your understanding.  There is much for you to do. Do not be concerned about obstacles, they are only experiences to be overcome. As long as you are moving forward along your path, all is well.  Finish

1:34:08--Melissa Holland
Source Frequency:  How can my family fix Emory’s condition?
Pat:  The question is unclear.  Please resubmit in a clearer fashion.

Source Frequency:  I was told 2 weeks back that modern medicine does not have a cure for my elder sons health problems. Can you please give more information on the source or cause of his problems?
Pat:  Modern medicine cannot help you.  There is a misalignment of energy.  There is a problem with the electrical spiritual consciousness within, it is not unifying with the physical body.  Take time to meditate, raise your frequencies, rise above the challenges of this 3D reality. All is well. Finish

1:37:19--Kelly Force
Source Frequency:  What is my life purpose?
Pat:  As told to others many times, everyone has a joint purpose--to raise your frequency to escape, to soar higher than you can imagine.  We are all separate conscientiousness, separate spirits (for want of a better phrase), but we are also all part of the original Creator Consciousness, which is LOVE.  Finish
Neptune Frequency, how are you?  Can you see what has been impacting our solar system?
Pat:  I am much better than I have been of late.  My orbit has been changed, I am tilting and my rotation is affected.  I can see much that is ahead of us, we are heading towards “it”, “it” is not heading towards us.  There will be difficult times, but there will also be energetic frequency changes that will assist all to continue to their ascension.  Finish

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