Wednesday, April 10, 2019

16 February 2019 Ask the Rods and Pendulum

Caroline reminds us to not forget to thank all the energies and frequencies that answer us.
Patrick calibrates the chart and pendulum and off we go!

Melanie has four questions:
1@39:40--Are the 100's of missing people from the National Parks in the US & Canada
victims of a Deep State government cover-up?
Pat:  There is a cover up. These people are being abducted by alien races and transported
throughout the solar system to planets and moons as slaves.  You must be very careful when
you enter deserted places. Finish
2@41:12--Has the Sasquatch ever been involved in this phenomenon - in either a positive or
negative capacity? 
Pat:  The Sasquatch are silent spectators only.  Finish
3@41:40--What is the significance of green light?
Pat:  All light has different uses and different frequencies.  The green light helps the
sub-consciousness to focus on the true mission.  Finish
4@42:33--Is the human cerebral cortex a mirror of the Universe itself?
Pat:  Yes.  As above, so below.  Finish

E O Alchemist asked:
5@43:25--I would love to hear from Pluto regarding a transit I am going thru for next two years.
Please advise how best to work with Pluto when the energy is in opposition to my natal Mercury.
Thank you.
Pluto:  The upcoming changes in the position of planetary bodies will affect everyone.  It is
important to protect yourself spiritually and physically. If you are able to afford it, now is the time
to start collecting food and especially water.  Finish

Mike T asked:
6@45:28--Can we speak to the Sun please?  YES
Hi Patrick. Can you ask the Sun if it is true that approximately every 12,000 years the Sun
releases a micro nova towards the earth, and if so, how soon can we expect the next one?
Sun:  The scale of years is unimportant.  The mininova is already underway. Finish  

TruthSeeker asked:
7@46:58--Patrick, please ask my father if he has any message for me. Thank you.
Pat:  The love between a father and daughter is most precious.  I love you more now than I
thought possible, and I ask that you picture me at my healthiest and imagine that I am with you.
I love you. Finish

Beautiful War Goddess asked:
Hi.  May I get these 4 questions for Humanity on the list for Source?
8@49:00--1) Would Source please tell us the history of the giants, and how it all transpired and
do they have human DNA?
Pat:  As already stated, the giants originate from Tiamat which was destroyed by an alien race
with technology that far exceeds the atomic bomb.  The giants were able to have a small
number escape and they came to Earth.  They remained hidden for centuries. They were
discovered as the human population increased.  There have been many battles, many died
on both sides. The biological makeup of the giants is the same as human apart from the
alien component that exists within humans.  Finish
9@52:36--2) What will happen to Humanity with the Elites trying to impose the following
transhumanism & rfid chip?
Pat:  The technology that those in control want to implant into humans is an attempt to hold
onto power.  They will fail. If, however, their agenda was to be fulfilled, Earth Frequency would
trigger a reset.  Finish
10@54:21--3) Why are there many planets currently circulating the Sun?
Pat:  There are many additional planetary objects within this solar system and as the Sun is
going through changes energetically, and with its frequency, these objects are attracted to the
Sun. There shall come a time when they will either remove themselves or they will collide. Finish
11@56:16--4) What was the reason Satan tried to turn Nibiru into his sun?  Thank you &
much Love to you all.
Pat:  The pendulum does not move at all.

David Fernandez asked:
12@57:25--Saturn said “they” are trying to block our gifts.  What are our gifts? And who has
control of these rings?
Pat:  The gifts spoken about are your spiritual gifts that you were born with, and through the
education system these gifts are forgotten.  Now is the time to learn how to use them. You all
have the ability to do what Patrick does. Finish

Jones asked:
13@59:19--Can I please get a message from one of my beloved ones that are passed away?
Who is it, and what would they like to tell me?
Pat:  The main reason for this visitation is to protect you.  It is not always the same individual,
however, they are all of your genealogical line.  Trust them and all will be well. Finish
(Pat:  It didn’t come out of the message, but I’ve got 2 names in my head, George and William.)

Maria TruthSeeker Cruz asked:
14@1:01:50--Patrick, what advice does source have for my oldest son who is heart broken?
Pat:  These times are very painful and are a part of becoming a well rounded individual.  The
best you can do for him is to love him and keep telling him. Tell him some of your experiences,
obviously at a level he can understand.  Don’t be too graphic. Finish

Path Finder
15@1:03:43--Question to Earth: Do you like music?
Earth:  YES! (The pendulum is swinging wildly across the yes!)

StarChild asked:
16@1:04:19--Source, I would like to know who I am and if I am doing well with my awakening.
Thank you.
Pat:  The awakening process is an individual one.  Whatever level you are at is the correct level
for you at this time.  Trust in yourself, you are on your path. All is well. Finish

Brent Humphreys asked:
17@1:06:05--I would LOVE to hear from my father one last time if you can please??
Pat:  Hello son, I am so proud of you. You have become a good man, and the journey that you
are on really makes me proud.  Please know that I am always with you. If you feel me squeeze
your shoulder, you will know that is me expressing my love.  I watch over all those I love. We
will meet again. Finish

Keke Gemini baby asked:
18@1:08:30--My name is Kianna.  Why do I keep seeing signs of my ex, Aries Xavier?  Will
he come back?
Pat:  This is part of accepting his loss.  He will not be back. Finish

end darkness shine the light asked:
19@1:10:45--Can you ask source what it is I am doing wrong?  Also, I have been trying for
what seems ages to go within without any joy.  Also, any tips to help me on my spiritual quest
as I do feel like I should be doing?
Pat:  Stop trying too hard.  Relax and let it happen at it’s own pace.  Finish

Travelle Henderson asked:
20@1:11:58--I got a question.  Does my spirit guides have any new messages for me about
my relationship with Elijah?
Pat:  Relationships are very volatile and can be very frustrating.  It takes two to make it work.
If you truly want things to happen then imagine it being so.  Imagine your future life and your
thoughts will become your truth. Finish

Rich Killian and Trish Killian asked:
21@1:14:15--How do I overcome ADHD?
Pat:  You do not, it is part of you.  It is not a disability. It allows you to tune into frequencies and
energies most people miss.  Embrace it and who you are. Finish

22@1:16:03--Please give me a message.  Is Dion my twin flame and put me within a third
party situation ?
Pat:  A very strong NO!

**Caroline asks the chat room to please make questions as precise as possible and try to spell
words correctly.  Also, please do not use abbreviations! We want to get you a correct answer.**

Vanessa Hvidsten asked:
23@1:17:17--May I ask if I am on track with my mission?
Pat:  The mission is on track.  Trust in yourself. Finish

Barbara Burnsed asked:
24@1:18:45--Hello.  I had 3 mothers--biological, adopted, and foster.  Let them know I love
them all, and are there any messages for me?
Pat:  They already know you love them.  They are a team that may watch you always.  They
are fierce in their protection. You are going to achieve much with their help.  Finish

Teri Brown
25@1:20:15--Plz Ask What My Mom Has Been Wanting Tell Me? I Feel Her Spirit.
Caroline:  This was asked and answered on 7 Feb. at  timestamp 1:00:30

Teri Brown​ asked:
26@1:21:30--What frequency is Mother Earth?
**Patrick reminds us at this point, “Mother Earth” knows she is our mother and doesn’t need
reminded.  She has requested to be addressed as Earth Frequency (EF)**
Earth Frequency:  The frequency that I vibrate at is beyond human hearing and is a very, very
personal part of who I am.  You would not ask a lady personal questions! Finish

Barbara Burnsed asked:
27@1:23:15--Hi.  Every time I send love to the planets my heart is so full of love I cry.   Do they
feel my heart breaking from the pain and how much I appreciate all they do for us?
Pat:  YES! (very strong)

Cassiopiaish asked:
28@1:24:00--Has the Bible been manipulated by the Enemy in order to make us worship them
rather than the Divine?
Pat:  If a deity or god wants or demands worship, they are not a god.  Finish

Sherrie Large asked:
29@1:25:00--Source, in your answer to my last question you said I had a lot to accomplish in a
very short period of time.  What are the 3 most important things I need to focus on? Thank you.
Pat:  This was answered on a previous show.

sammy hill asked:
30@1:26:20--Should I go ahead with building my ideal here in Belize as I have understood
through my guides, on the Ley lines?
Pat:  This decision is entirely yours.  Finish

Mr Bubbs454 asked:
31@1:27:05--Ask the Sun why they have sun simulators.
Caroline:  Can we speak with you Sun?  YES
Sun:  This is because my light is out.  My energy and frequency still give off heat, but not light.  
There is an attempt to hide these things, however, a time is fast approaching when all will be
known.  Finish

Zoo Pet asked:
32@1:29:40--Hi Patrick, question to my dear friend Kelly.  Did you send me the cats, and is
there anything you'd like to tell me?  Thank you.
Pat:  They were sent by me, I wanted you to have unconditional love.  Enjoy! Finish

Joyce Marie asked:
33@1:30:36--So, dimensions are actually a fracture, should we strive to reach a singular
Pat:  NO (very strong)

Cassiopiaish asked:
34@1:31:45--I am a single mother of three children under 4.  Source, is there a message for
me? I feel lost at times.
Pat:  The role of a parent is very treacherous at times, especially if there is only one parent.  
You will always make the correct decisions regarding your children, you have no other choice.  
It is within you. Just love them after you have loved yourself. Finish

Karen Steele asked:
35@1:33:38--Please ask Mr. Sun:  What was the large comet like thingy on camera sechie?
Thank you Patrick, Caroline and Mr. Sun.
Sun:  There are many objects being brought into this solar system.  As we are traveling an
unknown region of space we are traveling across the galaxy and intersecting with other solar
systems.  They, like us, have their own comets, asteroids, moons and planets and when they
become in our vicinity, they get attracted to either me or Jupiter.  This protects the Earth
Frequency. Finish

Flightrisk asked:
36@1:36:30--I want to ask if Peter and I created a contract before we came here.  I met him last
year at 43 yrs old, he is 35, and it has bothered me a little bit.  Is there any insight for us?
Thanks, Amy.
Pat:  The age difference is not important.  If you continue to love one another you will have a
healthy relationship. Live your dream. Finish

I love Tacos asked:
37@1:37:50--I’ve been feeling a presence lately that seems to follow me and it scares me
occasionally.  Can I find out who it is please?
Pat:  This presence is curious about you.  If you feel uncomfortable, then ask them to leave.  
If they refuse then command using your name to leave.  You are more powerful. Finish

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