Wednesday, April 10, 2019

14 February 2019 Ask the Rods and Pendulum

Patrick starts by sharing an update on young Thomas from his mom:

My Dear Patrick,
I am so privileged and lucky with the wise message I received, and there was more that night,
from Thursday through Friday.  I gave up morphine and I and Thomas had a good night’s sleep.
Since then Thomas has been well, it’s like a miracle happened to us!  Today he went back to
school and our life returned to normal.

Questions on this show start with those left over from last week’s chat room so that everyone’s
question can be answered.  Questions from this show will only be answered if time permits,
otherwise they will be addressed on the next show.

@25:40 Caroline asked to have a couple minutes to give us a short message:  
“There is so many thoughts I want to share with you all, let’s just say it’s about time I make my
own video--don’t you think?  But, let’s concentrate on the last chat, you guys are amazing! I
love you all, you make me laugh, and this is priceless to me.  Thank you from the center of my
heart, to all of you. Thank you for the nice comments too, I will cherish them forever. So, here,
from the top, let’s go down, shall we?  Now, interpret that as you want. One more thing I would
like to say, there’s an Adrial G that had a question last week that had an answer---can you
please ask Source if my plan to spread favor throughout the universe forever is working, and if
so, can you tell the chat room?...OK, now I don’t know what you’re up to Adriel, but you got me
intrigued, and if you go on my channel, in the about section you’re going to find my email
address and you can email me if you want my help.  I don’t know, I just feel I can help you
maybe, so send me an email, and that’s about it.”

1@33:00--Beautiful War Goddess asked:  Please ask Source what is coming for humanity
during “the event”.
Pat:  The event, so-called, has been underway for a very long time.  This so-called event is an
individual event, it is not a global event as such.  It is dependent upon the change within, all
answers are within. Finish

2@34:40--Caz asked:  Hello Patrick, question for Source.  The energy that’s always around
me, what does it do when I’m sleeping?  Thank you.
Pat:  This energy accompanies you because as you sleep, you leave your body and travel
throughout the universe.  These energies travel with you. Finish

3@35:43--Kato 9 asked:  Ok, here we go--is there such a thing as a twin flame partner?  
Also, is it true that there was a divine contract that some twin flame got granted a divorce?
Pat:  The relationship between people can be agreed upon before incarnation and these
agreements are binding while in this particular incarnation.  Sometimes being human gets in
the way and relationships end. That does not invalidate the previous agreement. You simply
incarnate into a different life and try again.  Finish

4@38:40--Mark SinnerSaint asked:  Is there a message for me, especially from Source? Thanks
Pat:  Hello Mark, you are a very special person.  You have chosen to be here at this time, and
the main reason is because we are very close to a major waking up event.  There will be
millions of people who wake at the same time because of an energetic frequency change
throughout this solar system.  They will require guidance and those who already are awake
must help. This will hasten any so-called ascension. Finish

5@41:25--David Fernandez asked:  Hello Source, are the Pleiadians real and are they here to
help us?    
Pat:  The Pleiadians have been visiting this planet and solar system for centuries.  There are
Pleiadians amongst you. They appear very human, but are exceptionally intelligent and are
able to access their gifts, which gives them and advantage.  As with most species, there are
good and bad. Most Pleiadians are good and have humanity’s interest at the forefront of their
work. Finish

6@44:21--Many people asked: Please ask Source about the giants (or the Titans).  Are they
hidden in plain sight around us, do we mind these beings, will they rise?
Pat:  The giants have been here a long time.  They vary in size. There have been some that
were hundreds of feet tall.  They originated from Tiamat and when it was destroyed, they were
able to escape and come here.  There have been battles and wars between all giants and
humans. Some giants are above ground, especially in the Middle East.  Most, however, are
beneath ground. When a giant fell in battle centuries ago, their remains have fossilized and
they can be seen across the globe.  Finish

7@48:25--Donna Wagener asked:  Does my baby daughter have a message for me please,
and thank you.
Pat:  The message is a simple one for this reason--I wish to talk with you mommy, but I prefer
to do it privately.  Know that I love you. Finish

8@50:10--Rebecca Richmond asked:  Does my grandmother have a message for me?
Pat:  Rebecca, there is much for me to be proud of you.  You have a special place in my heart,
and when you cross over this love intensifies and becomes all consuming.  There is only love.
Please continue to talk with me, I am in your presence continually. Feel and you will sense
me.  I love you. Finish

9@53:17--Topaz Reyna asked:  Patrick, can you see if there is a message from my dad?
Pat:  The message is to tackle every problem with bravery and to take every opportunity that
comes your way.  Do not be afraid of failure, this is how we learn. Just get up and start again.
Know that I will always love you and will always be with you.  Finish

10@55:15--Riley Girl Chance asked:  Who are the orange orbs around me? Thanks
Pat:  All forms of orbs are interdimensional and primarily are watching you.  They are curious,
they have chosen you to watch. They will not harm you.  They can however, protect you.
You are very important to their interests. Finish

11@57:15--Pamela Vogel asked:  Could you ask, why did I walk in and what I’m supposed to
be doing?
Pat:  The purpose was not being achieved.  You are here to rectify this. Finish

12@58:37--Lisa Elledge:  Can you ask if my Stephanie is happy and can she tell me what
happened to cause her accident?

At this point Patrick asked Caroline to go to a few questions that are not dealing with a
deceased loved one so to keep him from “burning out”.

13@59:47--Cindy Griffin asked:  Please ask the Sun, are there any of the other planets
developing Earth-like atmospheres?
Sun:  The atmosphere around around most planets is changing to accommodate surface life,
not necessarily human.  Finish

14@1:00:57--Abby Mead asked:  Can we expand on the question from “Talking With the
Planets” where Source was described as “they”?

Pat:  There is only one original consciousness, but this fractured into many, many different

consciousnesses.  These are all able to create and adjust the living reality of this 3D world.
The terminology that was used referred mainly to the sources that have fractured.  The original
consciousness is ALWAYS primary and any other lower level source has to abide by the true
order. Finish

15@1:04:15--Brown Suga asked:  Will I get a job in Canada and move there permanently?
Pat:  That decision can happen, it is up to you.  If you visualize it happening and set small goals
to achieve, it will happen.  Finish

16@1:05:30--Question 12 @58:37 from Lisa Elledge is answered now.
Pat:  I am very happy and I do not really dwell upon the accident.  I believe that I may have
made a very big mistake, I will have to learn to accept this.  Just know that I love you and
always will. Finish

17@1:07:25--Debra Smith asked:  Will Terra’s moon be seen after the new moon?
Pat:  This can be seen already.  You must talk to it and it will show itself.  Finish

18@1:08:25--Rocker Chick asked:  Has the technology and fakeness in our sky always been
there or is this something more recent?
Pat:  This is recent in the sense that it has only been happening throughout the last century.  
There are many reasons for this, primarily to hide the truth, but also to alter the planets
biosphere to allow alien races to walk the surface.  Finish

19@1:10:10--Cerie 1111 asked:  Will Alice survive this year? Thank you.
Pat:  This is a decision for you Alice.  Finish

20@1:10:54--Carrie Brown asked:  Did Mother Earth grow cannabis for our healing?  
Pat:  The cannabis plant is the most beneficial plant on the planet.  It has so many healing
qualities and has many, many different applications, but it can also be misused.  It is not just
to get high. Finish

21@1:12:40--Robert Mitchell asked:  Does my grandparent have a message for me?
Pat:  There is much that I wish to tell you Robert.  I was amazed at the reality after crossing over.
The love I have for my family is truly amazing. I can just think about you and I am in your
presence.  Please talk to me often. While you sleep I am in your room and have a smile
because I love you so much.  Thank you for being a member of my family. Finish

22@1:49:52--Donna Wagener asked:  In 2012 when we shifted, did we go through a wormhole? 
Thank you.
Pat:  There was an energetic frequency change.  This was not because of a black hole or
wormhole.  This solar system is traveling across the galaxy and this will have an effect upon
this solar system and the galaxy.  Planets will be lost and planets will be captured. There is a
change happening. Do not fear, enjoy the moment, love as you would like to be loved.  Finish

23@1:17:40--Stellar Core asked:  When will we have full disclosure?
Pat:  There will never be disclosure from any government.  The disclosure is happening now.
More people are accepting the truth all the time.  It will reach a tipping point when you will not
be able to deny it. Finish

24@1:19:15--Cindy Griffin asked:  Please ask Earth how many days are in a one year time.
Pat answers this question without using the pendulum--365

25@1:19:44--Donna Wagener asked:  Can we talk with Jupiter please? YES.  Thank you Jupiter. What hit you, are you OK?  Much love to you.
Jupiter:  There are always collisions between asteroids and other bodies who hit me.  I am
strong enough to withstand them. It is my place to attract these so as to protect Earth.  Finish

26@1:21:30--Kato 9 asked:  Do I have a message from my father please?  Thank you.
Pat:  The pendulum does not move at all--Patrick invites Kato9 to email him for a private

27@1:22:12--Jabber’s Justice asked:  Can we speak with Earth please? YES.  The question
is: Was my cloud experience real or a dream?
Earth:  That was very real.  Finish

28@1:23:04--Jabber’s Justice asked:  Sun, can we speak with you please? YES.  Where do
we wait until birth time?
Sun:  There is a different dimension that holds the true essence of who you are and this is
where contracts are made and discussed.  There are soul groups that travel down genealogical
lines and you may be a father in a family, then a mother, etc. etc. These are all planned.  Finish

29@1:25:25--Missdoll D asked:  I can’t seem to find my purpose in life.  Can you ask Source
for guidance please? Thank you.
Pat:  The purpose that you seek is to help others, especially during the upcoming awakening.  
Your time is not yet. Be patient. Finish

30@1:26:30--Edith Springwater asked:  I would like to know if the following planet, Organ
correspondence is correct?
Pat:  What’s the question?
Caro:  Is the following planet, Organ correspondence is correct?
Pat:  What is the following….
Caro:  She’s talking about the planet, Organ….is the coordinates that she has, the coordinates maybe?  Is the coordinates correct?
Pat:  I think what she’s trying to say is, does a particular planet control, or have influence upon an organ within us?  So, say Jupiter could affect the liver, Venus could affect the heart, etc. etc. That’s what I think.
Caro:  OK, so what planet corresponds to what organ type of thing.
Pat:  If at all.
Caro:  Do you want me to re-formulate the question?
Pat:  We’ll just put the pendulum down and see what happens.
Caro:  Alright.
Pat:  Just because I don’t know doesn’t mean it won’t get a reply.
Pendulum:  The planets can affect all body parts.  Earth planet can affect all body organs.  It is not divided. If something needs to be done, it happens.  Finish

31@1:29:34--Eleni Selassie asked:
Pat:  That’s Lee, hello Lee  Her name is Lee, I don’t know what her youtube name is
pronounced as, but she’s the lady that does the transcribing for the planet programs.
Caro:  That’s right, you didn’t send it to me from last week.
Pat:  You have to keep reminding me Caroline.
Caro:  I will, I forgot and just remembered.
Pat:  I’ll remind you to remind me.
Caro:  Don’t forget.  Alright Lee, Lee wants to know how things will go with George and Ronnie.
Pat:  This may not go as well as you hope.  It is sensitive. Finish
Pat:  I really think we should have a private session Lee.

Well, there was a lot of laughter during that exchange between Patrick and Caroline and even
me, Lee, the lady who is doing this transcription.  The question actually was from a lady named
Eleni Selassie who probably does know George and Ronnie. I do not know them, this was
not my question.  I sincerely hope Eleni will contact Patrick to find more information. My
youtube name sounds somewhat similar to this lady’s name, so I understand the confusion.  

32@1:31:12--Then, the last question from last week is from Kato 9.  Is Murphy and I going to
have words when I cross over?
Pat:  I love that question (lots of giggling again)
Caro:  You know, I would answer absolutely yes….but the question is there, it’s not mine to
Pat:  Can you just repeat it please Caroline, so I can re-focus.
Caro:  Kato 9 wants to know, is Murphy and I going to have words when I cross over?
Pat:  This will not happen.  Changes happen after death.  There is no judgement, only
love.  Finish

Patrick does not want to address questions from the chat of this show, he will do that on the
next show.  He talks about the music and how several people commented that he must have
been a bit of a mover in his earlier days.  He says that he and his wife, Angie, have been on
many dance floors, too many to count. Angie’s favorite dance is the twist, although she also
does a very mean jive.  Pat says he, on the other hand, not so much.

33@1:34:30--Maryann asked:  Question for the rods. Since the simulator is in the sky, do our
bodies get enough vitamin D3 from the sunlight for our health?
Pat:  No

34@1:36:06--Sally Beard asked:  Question, will my oldest sister become more spiritual in her
lifetime?  Is her great grandson the vehicle for her to love herself more and others?  
Pat:  There will come a time that she realizes these things.  It is however, in her time. She
must follow her path. Finish

35@1:38:30--Sherry Large asked:  A question for Source, You answered my last question,
you said I have a lot to accomplish in a very short period of time.  What are the 3 most important
things I need to focus on? Thank you.
Pat:  The most important is to love other people, even those who may ridicule you.  The next is
to be an example to those around you. The third is to research things for yourself.  Try to feel
the truth and share it. Finish

36@1:41:12--EO Alchemist asked:  May I have permission to speak with Pluto please?

Pluto:  The permission is not required, just ask your question.
Caro:  OK Pluto, so I will (for EO Alchemist).  It’s regarding the current Plutonian transit to natal
Mercury in my astrological chart.  Will Pluto please advise me on the best course of action I
should take during this transit?
Pluto:  This is a time of change, there are several possible outcomes.  It is important to consider
your options. The planets, moons and stars are on your side.  If you have any plans, do them
now. Finish

Patrick says:  Thanks to Caroline, the planets, and the Sun, and Source, and deceased loved
ones that were spoken with today.  I know it takes as much energy from them as it does from
me. They probably put more in that I do, to be fair. Caroline’s doing her chat room business, I
just wanted to say I’m really appreciative of the comments about the music.  Videos that I’ve
been doing, I just decided to do that to break up the topic on my channel. I found a way around
copyright law. Most songs are allowed to be played, but I’m not allowed to monetize the video...
I wouldn’t do that anyway, I’m not interested in that side of things.  Some songs are not allowed
to be played, and if I were to play one, that video would be blocked. It has happened, and I
took the song out and put a different one in. So, I’m learning to find out which songs can be
played and which ones can’t. I’ve played quite a few oldies recently--I do like oldies, but I do
like other stuff as well and I thought we would go out with one of my favorite songs from
1973--Caroline says, “hey!  That’s when I was born!” Pat says, “well there you go, perhaps it’s
talking about YOU Caroline!”

Caro:  hold on, hold on….Thank you all the planets, thank you Source, thank you all the
loved ones.  See you next week.

The song Patrick played for us:  “Real Wild Child” (Wild One) by Iggy Pop


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