Thursday, April 4, 2019

January 2019 Ask the Rods & Pendulum

26 Jan 2019
New format for the show--Patrick is using the chart, pendulum and rods and Caroline
Boivin is reading the questions for him.

Q:  From Mike T:  Please ask the Moon what beings inhabit the moon, and what their role is with
Chart:  There are several different alien races on the Moon.  They are there for many different
reasons. Some are benevolent, some are malevolent, but we should not fear.  Finish

Q:  Please ask Source if the universe is hearing me every night when I invoke favor upon
everything in it and if they are turning to their neighbor like I ask and invoking favor?
Chart:  The planets all together can hear your invocations and we collectively and
individually thank you for doing this.  It has been a very, very long time since we have
been in communication with mankind. It truly is a marvelous wonder to behold.  
Thank you for your love, and we encourage more people to talk with us. Finish

Q:  Earth,  How are thing going?  What is coming next, and what can we do to help Earth?
Chart:  The Earth is going through many, many changes, both physically and energetically.  
The continents are still shifting, the magnetics of Earth are moving, water in the oceans is being
contaminated.  The Earth itself is expanding and magma is forcing its way to the surface. There
will be new land masses, new volcanoes, new mountains, new oceans.  This could be a
catastrophic event for mankind, but you are not to fear. All is well. Finish

Q:  Sun, tell us about the mini-nova from our star.
Caroline:  Can we speak with the Sun please?
Chart:  NO

Q:  Is the Earth about to split into two planets?
Chart:  The Earth will not split into two, but the continent may split and even countries can split.  
The Earth land mass is expanding. It can be conceived as splitting, but it is growing. Finish

31 Jan 2019 Patrick & Caroline
Q:  Are galaxies conscious beings?
Chart:  The galaxies contain many solar systems and a multitude of planets and moons which
are all conscious and sentient, but the galaxy as a whole is not.  Finish

Q:  How many sentient races exist in our galaxy?
Chart:  There are billions upon billions of sentient races, the Milky Way is HUGE.  Finish

Q:  Ask Mother Earth why she moved in the Milky Way.
Chart:  The whole solar system is traveling throughout the Milky Way and this accounts for many
of the events that are happening.  We are entering a region of space that is unknown to us and
we should expect the unexpected. Finish

Q:  Will our Mother Earth take us with her as she evolves?
Chart:  The future of mankind is entirely up to mankind.  I will transform, or to say it differently,
ascend, no matter what mankind does.  Mankind has to find his own way even if I am very fond
of him. Finish

Q:  The Earth said the Moon is artificial--can you ask the Earth what does that mean?
Chart:  The original Moon is still there, but we are unable to see it.  The object referred to earlier
is a hollow sphere. It was towed into its current position many, many millions of years ago.  
There are many beings on this sphere and inside it. There are bases, especially on the dark
side. This region of our solar system holds interest for many, many civilizations from many, many
different solar systems, galaxies, indeed dimensions.  This is how, you would say, the best show
in town. Finish

Q:  Will we be able to help Mother Earth?
Chart:  Mother Earth is going through a different transformation and is constantly being attacked.  
There is an important message here: You are all encouraged to speak with Mother Earth daily.  
Tell her how much you appreciate her and all that she does for you. Tell her you love her. Finish

Q:  Please ask Saturn if it’s in the 5th--7th dimension yet
Chart:  The dimensions are all present at the same time.  Sometimes planets can shift between
these dimensions as well as ascending to a higher frequency and electrical energy.  This should
not worry you, you must look after yourself. Finish

Q:  Where do humans come from?
Chart:  Humans have been manipulated genetically by many different alien races over many,
many eons of time.  This manipulation was not done with consent. Mankind was created to be a
slave race to work throughout the solar system on planets and moons to mine very expensive
minerals and ores.  This in not how it should be. Finish

Q:  Does Mother Earth know anything about Yellowstone?
Chart:  The Yellowstone caldera is increasing in magma volume but it is being delayed by
technologies that are so far advanced that today’s humans would not be able to understand it.  It
is being prevented from erupting because if it did, all life on the planet would die. Do not worry
about such things. If it were to erupt and everybody dies, you only lose your physical body, you
yourself are not human, you are spiritual.  You are only here to experience the human experience.
Do not live in fear. Help those less fortunate than yourselves and above all, love everyone as
you would be loved. Finish

The following question was intended to be for Uranus but was answered for Mother Earth
instead.  It as asked by Kato9.

Q:  May we know a little more about your role in the universe?  I’ve come to call you
“the jack-in-the-box planet”...would you agree, or how would you describe it?
Chart:  Planet Earth is not unique within the universe, there are billions upon billions of like
planets.  Life itself through the universe is overflowing, wherever there is water, there is life.
This part of space has been neglected, but is now coming to the forefront because of the region
of space that it is intersecting with.  Galaxies will merge with galaxies, some planets will drift off,
new planets will be added. The inhabitants of these planets will find it very difficult to survive
these collisions. This will not happen quickly and many lifetimes will go past before it is
completed.  Do not worry about it, live in the now, live without fear, love those around you, be an
example to everyone you come into contact with. Remember you are not human. Finish

Patrick now stops using the chart and pendulum and simply answers the questions from the
feelings he receives.

Q:  When Gaia makes a strong electromagnetic connection with another planetary object, do we
hide/protect ourselves from the forces or is it part of our ascension to be open to it?
Pat:  It is not possible to protect yourself from such events.  These electromagnetic forces pass
through the planet and pass through the inhabitants of the planet.  Wherever you are on the
surface or beneath the surface, you will be affected by it. Your DNA is changing, this will help
with your individual ascension.  You are all transforming into crystalline beings prior to leaving
your Earth bodies and returning to your true self. Finish

Q:  Who put the Sun simulator there?
Pat:  There is more than one simulator, these are placed by mankind. These are placed to
disguise the problems that the Sun is going through.  The energy of the real Sun is fluctuating.
It is almost dark, which is almost without light, but its energy is still high and still being emitted.  
This is creating a problem for Earth, it is affecting the weather. The Sun simulators can appear
to be blinking. This is usually a glitch in the technology.  Also, you may notice the Sun rising
and setting in different places. Unfortunately many people do not look up, they are too busy
looking down. Everything is there to be seen.  Do not worry about such things. Whatever
happens, you, the real you, the you inside this human body will survive ANY catastrophic
cataclysm that may happen. Finish

Q:  Question for Mother Earth:  I would like to connect to you using my golden pendulum just like
Patrick connects with you.  Could you please communicate back with me? I would very much
like to talk to you.
Pat:  It is not essential to use a pendulum, but it allows you to focus your intention.  If you ask
with pure intent, I will answer, I will move the pendulum for you. The best way is to practice.  
Start with simple yes and no questions and believe that the answers will come, and trust
yourself--the pendulum will move.  Finish

Q:  Question for Mother Earth:  Is it true a famine is coming in late summer?  A famine due to
floods,disease and insects.
Pat:  Yes, but not everywhere.  Finish

Q:  Mother Earth, did you shift in 2012?
Pat:  There was a shift at this time, but it was not just planet Earth.  It was the whole universe
and the current timeline changed. All events from different timelines are converging, this is
why people are remembering different histories.  People hear of a famous person dying and
have a memory of that person already dying. This is part of the timelines that vary. There are
also parallel universes and multiple universes.  All come from Source and all is coalescing
and combining, it is part of the plan. Finish

Q:  Lynn Hansen asks:  Did I used to live on Mars?
Pat:  Everyone on Earth used to live on Mars.  Finish

Q:  Earth, are the nuclear bombs being detonated inside you tests or are they attacks on inner
Pat:  These nuclear explosions are tests, but also attacks.  There are many civilizations below
Earth’s surface and within Earth that are trying to come to the surface and take over.  They are
not happy with the way which surface civilizations is treating Mother Earth. There have been
many, many wars between those on the surface and those beneath, it is a constant struggle.  
Planet Earth is being damaged by these nuclear explosions and there will come a time when
she will have to act. Finish

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