Thursday, April 4, 2019

December 2018 Ask the Rods & Pendulum

8 Dec 2018:  Update and Mars 1
David wants to ask Mars:  Where has all the water gone?
Pat:  I have a question for Mars from David, thank you for talking with us.  David wants to know,
where did all your water go?
Mars:  Thank you David for your question.  It is a privilege to be speaking with you all.  In regard
to what has happened to my water, the surface water was evaporated during the war, but there
are reservoirs of water beneath the surface, especially in the polar regions.  I am extremely
happy to be talking with you and I ask that those who are watching this video work to find a way
to talk with not only me, but ALL the planets and moons that are in our solar system.  Finish

15 Dec 2018
Pat:  We have a very serious question here.  Will Nibiru destroy the Earth?
Chart:  A very strong NO followed by the answer:  Nibiru may cause massive quakes and
volcano eruptions and the magnetic poles are already moving.  This will have a cataclysmic
effect on the Earth. Many people will survive either because they are in a safe location,
unfortunately there will also be many who do not survive.  These catastrophes are very, very
frightening, but even if you are to die, this is not a bad thing as you, the real you, is not human.
You are all spirit, or to be more accurate, energy and frequency.  You are only here to experience
a 3D reality. There are many watching who would change places with you as those who come
to this reality are thought of as pioneers and are highly revered. Finish

From live show on 15 Dec 2018
Pat:  Robin Ledford has a question for Jupiter and wants to know, why it woke him up at night so
that he has to go outside and record it peeping out at him like it was saying hello.  Does Jupiter
have a message for Robin?
Jupiter:  Hello Robin, I am just playing with you.  Finish

Pat:  This is a question from Jill, I shall read it word for word from her:  I also want to know why
Jupiter woke me up 11/27 for (?) days and asked if I would send it love; didn’t even know you till
3 days later.
Jupiter:  Hello Jill, it is no accident that you are here with people of like minds.  When you are
awoken, this is to show the importance of the message. I am in a position where I know
everything, and I also know that if I were to tell people everything, they would not be able to
understand or process it.  What I shall say is that you are aware of the importance of love. For
example, if mankind were to give me unconditional love that animals give, then this world would
be totally different. I have told many who have been listening that many ask what is love, and it
is sad that there are those who have not felt it.  I would like you, all that are listening to me, and
that included you Patrick, go out into the world and all you need is love (to quote a famous song).

16 Dec 2018 2 hour special
Pat:  Sherry has a question.  Sherry would love to know, is there a planet that has a special
affinity toward her?
Chart:  Sherry, the planets and moons of this solar system all are aware of all creatures, beings,
energies that exist in this reality.  All have an affinity with mankind in particular, but there is one
planet that takes an interest in may come as a surprise, but I don’t think so, the planet is
Jupiter.  Finish

Pat:  Were Venus and Mars once one body?
Chart:  Venus and Mars are twins.  They were formed together and have a strong bond. They
may be separated by vast distance and time, but they have a strong connection.  Venus was
extremely hurt when Mars was attacked and she still has great difficulty accepting this.  Mars is
alive and may, at a time way into the future, return to his former glory, but he accepts that the time
is not now.  Finish

23 Dec 2018
Pat:  Is Source our infinite Creator?
Chart:  Source is a name given to me by man (not my name, but man), a label to identify.  I am
infinite awareness and consciousness and I am energy and frequency. I (?) to bond to many
labels:  Source, Consciousness, Universe, God, Spirit, Creator. As the perspective of mankind
imitate, all of these labels are correct.  The question was asking about creation--I created reality.

Pat:  This question is for planet Earth.  Are you round or are you flat? And is Antarctica a ring?
Earth:  I am round in the physical sense.  I, along with this galaxy and others are on a flat plane.  
So, the correct answer is whether I am round or flat, yes. Antarctica was a thriving city and was
technologically superior to what you are now.  They and every living creature were flash frozen
when the Earth (?) switched poles and this happened suddenly. There have been (?) in
Antarctica that many people are as are exist, but there is much propaganda being broadcast
throughout the world.  All the secrets about Antarctica will come known and these truths will write
history and forge a new picture. Finish

Pat:  Why is the moon so off course lately?
Chart:  The moon, like all bodies in this solar system, is being affected by objects that are
becoming closer every day.  The teaching that gravity controls the planets and moons is
incorrect, this is a falsehood. The solar system is entering a different area of space and there will
be consequences.  Many planets will alter their orbit and their tilt. They have one planet, Earth,
is tilting further than all. This will affect how the sky will (?) and this is known by all the
governments of the world and it is becoming more difficult to hide the truth.  For truth and who
will be a few not worry about (?). Concentrate on yourself.

Pat:  What was the moon trying to tell us last night?
Chart:  The moon was not trying to tell you anything, the moon is not real. The size and position
is changing because everything within this solar system is changing.  This happens on a regular
basis and it will happen again. Finish

The next question is about Artificial Intelligence, or AI:

Pat:  Earth, are we humans able to survive without being merged in it in the future?  Will the ones
who do not want to merge be able to leave?
Earth:  AI is a very evil in the short term, but it has the potential to be a very dangerous situation
for mankind.  Anybody who fights against AI (?) great things. AI could be a servant of man and
not the other way around. Resist having technology (?) by your bodies (?) is very dangerous.  

27 Dec 2018
Pat:  Is there a large planet very close to Earth which fills our sky and is the sky?
Chart.  There is a body above the Earth that takes up most of the sky, but at this time it is
important not to spread fear.  What will happen will happen and there will be many upheavals,
many people will get hurt. Do not live in fear. You are not human, you are an energy being.  
Many people fear these things, but if you are fearful, you only succeed in lowering your
frequency. If you love and do not fear, you raise your frequency. Live and Love!!  Finish

Pat:  Aurora Rain want to know is there a personal message from Mother Earth?
Earth:  Hello Aurora Rain, I recognize your energy.  I have been aware of your love for me. It is
returned a thousand times!  Myself and my brothers and sisters may seem as though we are not
sentient, but we are and we talk with each other.  I would like the love that been extended to me
be extended to my brothers and sisters. We have been waiting for mankind to speak with us
again.  Many generations have passed and there was only silence. Please talk with us. Finish

Pat:  Is there a general message for mankind?
Chart:  Mankind is on a dangerous path.  If there are not positive changes, there will be much
mayhem.  All people on the planet will learn the truth. They will come to understand the true
history, not only of the Earth, but of the universe.  Mankind has an impediment--they are too
selfish! They think of themselves first, they ravage the very ground beneath them to make a
profit, and what is money???  You will all return to the Earth. This behavior is considered
childlike among other civilizations. If you could only grow up, things would be much more
different!  Finish

Pat:  Have angels or extra-terrestrials been sent to help us?
Chart:  Angels are a resource sent to assist mankind and have always been here.  So-called
extra-terrestrials come because they want to exploit the resources of this planet and its people,
even benevolent aliens have an agenda.  This involves something for them. Their help is
important at times, but it always comes at a cost. Finish

Pat:  Is Earth going to pole shift in 13 months?
Chart:  Pole shifts happen on a cyclical basis and are always approaching, but these events are
not planned to a particular timescale.  These events are often cataclysmic and have the ability to
cause an extinction level event. There will be assistance given when needed to ensure
mankind’s survival, but to say that this type of event is only months away is mistaken. Finish

Pat.  Did man in fact land on the moon and what is on the side of the moon we can’t see?
Chart:  Man has landed on the moon, but not when or how you have been taught.  The moon
landing was staged to beat the Russians. This is usually what America does, not the people, but
the government.  They did reach the moon and were met by alien races and told to leave. There
are bases on the dark side of the moon and they are mostly a staging area for journeys further
afield such as Mars.  This has been the way for many decades. Finish

Pat:  Does it hurt Mother Earth when we burn plastic?
Chart:  Plastic is a byproduct of oil and it appears harmless and can be found everywhere.  It is
making a beautiful Earth choke. There are many beautiful creatures harmed by plastic, even
mankind is being harmed.  The Earth can repair any damage caused by burning plastic but it is
difficult and takes many generations. Finish

Pat:  Can a planet or Source give an empath extra energy?  I get so tired from sad people.
Chart:  Sad, and indeed lonely people, are at a low frequency and become vampires of a sort,
energy vampires.  They can sap your strength without them knowing they are doing it. The best
way to prevent this is through meditation.  Imagine a bubble surrounding you. This bubble
cannot be broken. This will be your defense against frequencies that are lower than yours.  Do
not judge these people, they are on their own path. Finish

30 Dec 2018
Pat:  Has Jesse Loves Earth lived in other solar systems?
Chart:  This solar system is indeed a favored system, but it is not the only one.  You have lived in
multiple solar systems, in fact, you are living in multiple solar systems--time does not exist, there
is only now.  Finish

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