Thursday, April 4, 2019

2 February 2019 Ask the Rods & Pendulum

2 Feb 2019 Patrick & Caroline

Caroline:  Hello Mother Earth (ME), I just want to know if you feel the love from everybody here
connected with us in the chat room?
ME:  There has been an increase of communication from many people of this planet.  I have
been humbled by the amount of love that has been, and continues to come in my direction.  The
love is returned tenfold. Thank you, thank you. Finish

Q:  From Donna:  I would like to ask ME what my past life was?
ME:  This question requires much thought as there are many who travel with you along the
timelines.  It is recommended that you seek a person who can help you regress through your
past lives. You will feel it when you have found the right person.  A hint for you--look for a female
practitioner. Finish

Q:  Is it possible for us to speak with Pluto please?
Chart:  Yes
Q:  Hello Pluto, how are you doing?  What is going on with you?
Pluto:  I am out of my comfort zone.  I am looking outward as we travel into new regions of space.
There is going to be intersections between galaxies and there’s going to be forces upon all the
planets and the inhabitants thereof by objects that will pass close by.  Also dimensions are
bleeding through because of the work that CERN is doing. This is a dangerous thing. Try not to
worry yourselves about this. You are here to experience the human condition, the 3D reality.  It
may be interesting to (?) past the solar system, past the galaxy, but you are here to learn about
being human. Finish

A very interesting NON-Planet question from David Fernandez:
Q:  Should we pay attention to any religion?
Pat:  There are many, many different religions with many, many different gods.  Whichever you
decide of for yourself is your truth, even though it may not be absolute truth.  The concept of a
religion was developed to control the masses, but love has a way of misdirecting this effort and
using it for good.  Those in any religion can, and do live happy, abundant, useful lives. This
does not mean that their god is real, as everything is constructed with thought--you have what
you think, try to think inward, not outward.  If you are looking for a savior, this savior can only be
found within. You are all very powerful individuals.

Q:  Does ME know if planet X has passed us already?
ME:  NO, planet X has not passed.  Finish

Q:  Hello Neptune, the question is, does Neptune ever get closer to Earth, and when can we see
Neptune:  The orbit that I am on is actually moving away from Earth.  It is possible that I may drift
away. This gives me much concern, that is because it is an unknown event.  If you are asking
about a personal relationship with Earth, that relationship is, and always has been one of mutual
affection and respect.  We are, after all, brothers and sisters. Finish

Q:  Does planet Earth have closer alignment to some planets than others?
Pat:  NO

Next are 2 very interesting questions that are not about planets:
Q:  Is Jesus really the son of the true Source?
Pat:  NO

Q:  On the light at death:  Is it just a distraction or do we go to it?
Pat:  If you enter the white light, you will be recycled back to Earth as a different incarnation.  If
you have raised your understanding and frequency, it is possible to avoid this light and leave
humanity behind, and then continue as a spiritual being throughout the universe.  Finish

Q:  Can we speak with the Sun please?
Chart:  Yes
Q:  Hello Sun.  Is planet X right next to you or is it just the planet of (?) that are with planet X
Sun:  The planet known as planet X, or Nibiru, is not next to me, but there are many objects
getting very close to me and if they are there when planet X and it’s solar system passes through,
there will be many catastrophes.  Finish

Q:  Where is planet Earth going to be when planet X is going to come around?
Pat:  The distance between planet X and Earth is not the question, it is where is planet X’s
debris field is because Earth will pass through this debris field and it is not going to be good.  

Q:  ME, what are the chemtrails doing to you?
ME:  The chemicals contained in so-called chemtrails are affecting the fertility of my soil.  This is
very worrying to me. It is a type of terra-forming, or at least an attempt to do so.  This can be
reversed by myself, but I would only do so because it would require a reboot of humanity as has
been done many times.  It is up to you to raise up and stop this travesty or you will not remain.

Q:  Please ask Mama Gaia what is the best thing we can do daily to aid her and the population
to ascend, transform with ease and grace?
ME:  Take time to give love.  Love answers all problems, love heals.  I receive love
unconditionally--that gives me strength to continue.

Q:  Please ask Source if we will be able to fly by just thinking about it when we are the New
Pat:  There will be many experiences that you will be able to have because you will learn how to
use your power.  You have power within yourselves, not only to fly, but to travel throughout the
universe. Finish

Q:  May we speak to beings below Earth’s surface?
Chart:  Yes
(There was no further question asked about this topic.)

Q:  Does inner Earth beings have any message for us?
Pat:  There are many beings within planet Earth that take time to communicate with those on the
surface.  There is an awakening happening and beings from within are communicating with
many, many humans. There are many that keep this to themselves because of fear of ridicule.  It
is important not to fear. If you wish to communicate, then just ask, but be prepared to broadcast
your experiences as to have this knowledge and not use it will benefit no one.  If Patrick decided
to keep his gift to himself, none of you would be here. Finish

Q:  Can you ask Earth if vaccines are damaging bodies?
Earth:  The travesty of this is vaccines is nothing more than abuse--this should stop.  Finish

Q:  Brian Parker wants to ask Source what caused his house fire.
Pat:  This type of event will increase, it has to do with energy that comes from the Sun.  The Sun
may be dimming but its electrical energy is increasing and being ejected throughout the solar
system.  There will be other fires in strange places without a cause. Do all you can to protect
yourselves and each other.  Finish

Q:  May I ask Source what gifts can I focus on for helping others?
Pat:  There are many gifts that you have, but at this time focus on being a healer.  Learn about
frequencies and energies and do much research. You will be able to help many people.  (Pat
says here: “I don’t know why but I’ve got a name coming into my head, Robert Pearl, so “google”
Robert Pearl)

The next question is not related to planets:
Q:  I’m having a problem with my legs.  What can I do to help them get stronger?
Pat:  It is important to talk to your body.  Thank it for all it does for you. Remember, you are not your
body, your body is like putting on a suit.  You occupy your body--you are spiritual in nature and
energetic. This becomes difficult, the physical form, especially with your frequency rises.  
Talk always and give thanks to your body. Finish

Q:  Please ask Source if there’s any way to attract good luck, or break the chain of misfortune.
Pat:  This can be achieved through visualization.  Look ahead and see yourself how you want to
be, then decide (connection went out.)  This is going to happen.  Think of it before sleeping, think
of it when waking.  It will have no choice but to happen. Finish

Q:  Red Moon asks:  Why do I feel so attracted to the Moon since I was a little child?  I look at it and
feel weird.
Pat:  This is because you have traveled to the Moon.  You do so when you sleep. You are happy
there. Take time to ponder this reality and train yourself to retain memories of your sleep time.  

Patrick asks us all to take time to thank Source and all the planets for listening and answering our

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