Saturday, June 15, 2019

Ask Angie--Episode 1 on Thursday 13 June 2019

Description box:

The best way to ask your questions

How questions are going to be collected

How to use a pendulum and protect yourself

You can find Patrick’s email address in the about section of this channel “The Garratt’s Legacy”
on youtube to receive a free chart.

Private readings are not available until further notice. Thank you all for your support and good

Patrick does his protection and Caroline is burning sage!

Conversation between Caroline and Angie:

- 12:00 -
Pat: Hello Angie, are you here with us?
Angie: Yes!
Pat: When you are ready Caroline!
Caro: Hi Angie, how are you doing sweetheart?
Angie: I am doing very well, you crazy French lady!
Caro: Ha, Ha, I can’t believe you call me like that!  How is it to connect with us today like this?
Angie: This is an amazing experience, although I have only been here in your time scale a
short while. As I said before there is no time, there is only now. So I can go from here to
anywhere at any time or place and I am present. I can be present in several places at the same
time because there is no time. I can go and watch my grandchildren come out of school and
we're talking about 5 different schools and I can be at all of them at the same time. It is amazing!

Caro: Wow, it’s something difficult to grasp in this physical reality.  I just can’t wait or maybe you
have other plans for me but, that’s ok. So Angie, I would like to ask you this question. What
would you want to share with the world about dying as we know it?
Angie: There should be no fear of being dead because you are not dead. You have just moved
on! You have left the physical body and returned to your natural state which is energetic
frequency and you are, what’s the word I could say so you understand, you become free once
again. You do not have any limitations, the physical body is very heavy, it holds you down. It
binds you to this reality. There are no such limitations, it is wondrous to behold.

Caro: If you compare the two... Do you remember before you came into this world and be Angie?
Do you have that memory once your dead, once you cross?
Angie: You recover all of your memories. All of your experiences as Angie as other people as
other things.

Caro: So, is it true that we do choose to come here?
Angie: We do make the choice to come, although we are aware that it is not as it should be.
We came for the experience and there are many discussions that happen before we arrive.
There are many contracts that are made before we arrive. This does not mean your life is set
out for you like a play. You have your free will and every time you make a decision you change
your particular timeline. But every timeline is different. It is possible, and this is the important
part, if you're not enjoying your life you can jump to a different timeline.

Caro: I heard that a lot, how?
Angie: Focus, determination, intentions, energy, belief!

Caro: Ho yeah, are we talking about the law of attraction here?
Angie: The law of attraction is part of it!

Caro: We are having an amazing conversation Angie but we still have some questions from
people that are waiting, and I do have some questions for you and I hope that this little part is
gonna intrigue everybody and inspire everybody to ask more questions about it because we
need to learn more about it. We need awareness ok! I am gonna move on to the next question
Angie: Ok... just... can I say, give Pat a rest in between each question so he can come back to
you. Do not keep him connected for the whole show.

Caro: Ok so is now a good time to give him a break?
Angie:: Yes please!
Caro: No problem!

Caro: Angie, did you meet any Dragons?
Angie: There are many different types of beings. Some are, as you say, dragons. There are
many that do not have names and some of them may appear threatening. But they are all pure
energy, and it is the frequency and intention that give you a sense of who they are. It is totally
different, you meet a being you haven’t met before, you instantly make a connection and you
know everything about that being and they know everything about you!

Caro: Ok, so I just would like to do a small recap about what we know about dragons:
Reminder about dragons:
Firebird: female, white and tinted with purple
Firecloud: male, white
Emerald: green
Dragon: blue
Angie: I believe there is a question regarding that dragon and I will tell you the name later.
I know the name.
Caro: Perfect! So if there’s a question that we can not get an answer, can we ask why?
Angie: You can ask any questions, you can ask why it doesn’t get answered. I can only give
you what information I am being given. I will not make things up, I will give it to you as I receive

Our first Question:

23:55-  Richard Garbett
1- Deceased dog, Beans: What went wrong the day you passed, and do you have a message
for me? Thanks and love and miss you.
Angie: The dog is here, the dog is saying (I believe it’s a he) he was disappointed the question
did not get answered before. The day of his death was very difficult. Something happened, it
was like a switch being thrown. It should not have happened that way, but you should not feel
bad. The dog is well and happy and preparing to reincarnate.
2- Deceased dog, Reggin: What happened to you the day you passed away and do you have
a message for your dad Scotty?
Angie: I am together with all previous pets. We do not have any individual messages for you.
We only have one thing to teach you as a human and us being dogs, and that is unconditional
3- Source Frequency: What is the best way to raise our frequencies and do you have any
advice that could help me through this time in my life? Thank you
Angie: It is an individual journey for want of a better word. It is a personal path that each of you
are on. All of your answers are held within, the truth is within. Raise your frequency by living
with love. Forgive everybody, above all forgive yourself. Love everybody, above all, love
yourself. Your frequency will have no choice but to raise. And as your frequency rises, new
concepts, new abilities will come into your life. Finish!

31:55-  Beautiful WarGoddess
Source Frequency: Is it true that the descendants of Asia and India are the children of Lilith
and Satan? And if so, is this why China is wanting to control the world?
Angie: This is false. Satan is not real. Finish!

Dragon Firecloud:
1) Are you able to tell me the names of the dragons I saw in the clouds on the 11th & 12th
Angie: That was myself and my sister. My name, as you know, is Firecloud. My sister’s name
is Puppy! Finish
2) Why did they show themselves to me?
Angie: All dragons are becoming more visible. We wish to be seen! We have been in the
shadows for too long. It is time you humans learn your true history. Finish!
3) Is there one dragon I should especially connect with during meditation? Thank you very
Angie: You can connect with any of us. As you learn our name, you will be inspired to talk to
us as individuals. That’s why we are here! Finish!


38:55- Editth Springwater
Earth frequency: Is it safe and practical to use a dessicator to obtain water from atmosphere,
and purifying it afterwards, through filtration?
Angie: It is a safe procedure but you should use materials from your local geographical area
included within the filtration. Finish!

The father Dennis: Dad, do you have a message for me? I want you to know how much I love
you & miss you. Thank you to all
Angie: No answer, sorry Caroline!
Caro: Can we ask why there is no answer?
Pat: Angie, why can we not answer that one?
Angie: The gentleman does not want to do it publicly. I suggest the daughter talks to him
and takes time to listen. Finish!

41:13- Kathleen
Source Frequency: I was wondering why some people become ghosts, are they stuck, is there
anything we can do to help them move on? Thank you for you time.
Angie:  If there is a sudden death, it can be a shock. It can throw the individual out of balance.
They feel lost, it can be very threatening. However, all is well! They do adjust, they can decide
to stay for a while before moving on. They can leave a small remnant of them self behind and
still move on. There is no limit to the possibilities, it is an individual choice. Finish!

42:31- Kathleen
Dragon FireCloud: Do I have a Dragon Frequency assigned to me? If yes, can you tell me their
color or name please?
Angie: There are several dragons that watch over you. They take turns looking in on you.
Names are not important however, one is male and is a yellowish green with a hint of blue. His
name is Edgar, he wants to say hello! Finish!

43:35- Beautiful WarGoddess
Earth Frequency: I am hearing that there is currently 13 volcanoes in California under ground
that are due to erupt very soon. Will Mother Earth please confirm this information and the timing
please  what should the people of California do? Thank you so much and much Love to all.
Angie: There are many impending volcanic eruptions that may take place, but should have
already taken place. Earth Frequency is controlling them preventing this from happening.
Should there come a time when Earth Frequency decides it is time for a reset, then she will
trigger all volcanoes on the planet and you will all disappear. Finish!

Here is the end of my leftover questions from March 16, 2019. We now start questions
collected between March 16 and March 21

47:47- Lee
Personal dragon: Please can you tell me your name and do you have a message for me?
Pat: Lee already knows the name of her dragon, its Emerald. If she has any further questions
we’ll do that next time!

48:13- TruthSeeker
Source Frequency: It was mentioned that the pyramids hold a lot of secrets, can you please
give us more information on that? When will these secrets be known to all so we can all benefit
from it? TY
Angie: Pyramids are very important. They have a purpose in the physical plane, they have a
purpose in the etherial plane. They harness energy, they use this energy. They can be
harnessed to be used has a power source. It can be used as a signal. They can connect one
with another. The greater beings that built them were far, far advanced then where you are now.
As to finding out more, be patient it will all be revealed! Finish
Caro: This is a very important answer.  None the less you should also pay attention to
my face and why I act like this!

49:35- Aire Dragon
Source Frequency: Is there something that I can do to heal my back?  I have 3 disc that are
blocked and have been working on clearing them, do you have a message for me? thank you
Ronald Hobbs
Angie: Back pain is very traumatic, it is very painful. You need to rest, you need to talk to your
body. Talk to your DNA. Tell your body you are grateful. Ask it to heal itself. Give it time to heal
itself. Believe this will happen and your body will have no choice but to heal itself. Finish!

50:38- Ellen Doyle
Source Frequency: Thank you for allowing me to ask this question. I have suffered from
chronic back pain for the past 10 years and I was wanting to know if this is karma from a
past life.
Angie: No, this is part of the problem with your physical body. Finish!

51:12- TruthSeeker
Source Frequency: Why have I been so afraid of lizards all my life? Could there be a past
life connection?
Angie: Yes, there is a connection with reptilians from a so called past life. Although, it is not
from the past. These reptilians have had a big influence on your society, on your DNA, on
your physical make up. Some reptilians are benevolent, the majority are not. Finish

52:16- Barbara Burnsed
Dragons: Is there a baby blue dragon, one with dark blue on its breast, crown, under the wings
and under the tail with magnetite shimmer? If yes does it have a name? Please and Thank
Angie: It does have a name, there is another question connected with this dragon. I will give
the name then. Finish!


Firebird: Because of religion, I have associated dragons as a symbol of the devil. Now I know
your species is not evil. I have been feeling a connection with a blue and silver water dragon.
Is there a guardian dragon like that kind trying to connect with me and what is it's name if it's
true? Thank you. Much Love
Angie: This dragon is a guardian for you. It’s name is Saphire. This dragon has been with
you for all of your life and will remain with you. Finish!

55:15- TruthSeeker
Source Frequency: Who or what is Q anon? Can it be trusted? thank you
Angie: The original idea behind Q anon was good and with the right intention. It has been
infiltrated and any information from that source has to be researched independently and
verified. Finish!

55:58- Silver Skyz
Earth Frequency: I love looking at the sky and it breaks my heart to know that most of it is
fake. Can you please help me to know what is real up there? Thank you
Angie: The majority of what you see is a projection. It is designed to keep you from the truth.
Do not worry about this, do not live in fear. All will be well. Finish!

56:50- Maria TruthSeeker Cruz
Source Frequency: Did Leonardo Davinci paint codes for us to reveal the truth of our origins
& religion?
Angie: Yes, there are many secrets hidden within his work. If you research it, study it with the
right intention and a pure heart, mysteries will be un-folded to you. Keep up the work, continue
your research. Finish!

57:40- Beautiful WarGoddess
Source Frequency: Why is Russia having war drills with 13 countries this month, what are
they preparing for? Please and thank you
Angie: There are things happening on this planet that do not make it to the public domain.
There are aliens on this planet that have a strong hold and are trying to over run certain
countries. The majority of this is happening in the middle east. This is why there is continually
battle and war being fought. The mass media depicted it as country fighting country, religion
fighting religion, this is a cover story. Country are working together to fight the alien threat. Finish!

59:09- TruthSeeker
Source Frequency: Is cloning technology being used on celebrities and leaders? Are
humans getting fooled? thank you
Angie: This has always been the case. Celebrities are not who they start out to be.
Politicians are often replaced so that a certain agenda can be followed. Do not trust these
people. Finish!

Angie's Dedication Video

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